Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 516 Hoping It Was Just A Dream

’Nobody would like to eat it!’ "I... I want..." Long Er opened her mouth without a word. The True Dragon turned red in the face.

An idea occurred in Ren Ziling’s mind. She asked with hands jolting Long Er, "Long Er, do you need to pee?"

’It would be a good chance to escape if I can go to the washroom. But I can’t nod my head and say I want to pee to the faces of two humans and a monster. No one would like to say that! I am the True Dragon!’

"Long Er, what’s wrong with you? Why is your face red? Are you ill?" Ren Ziling touched the girl’s forehead, "Your forehead is hot, do you have a cold? Or should we send you to the hospital?"

"No..." Long Xiruo...Long Er said in a low voice, "I want... to go to..."

"What?" Ren Ziling had to get closer to the little girl as her voice was too low.

"The... washroom!"

"Oh, as I thought." Ren Ziling smiled, "You face is turning red. You are shy to tell the fat uncle, right... You are correct, that uncle is not a good guy!"

"Ren Ziling! I have no grudges with you! Why am I not a good guy?" Officer Ma was unhappy.

"You are nice. But you can’t bring her to the women washroom." Ren Ziling said, rolling her eyes.

Ma Houde had nothing to say.

Ren Ziling kept the little girl in her arms, "Fine, I will bring you there."

"Sister Ren, the concert is going to start?" Lizi reminded.

Ren Ziling said with a shrug, "You go first. Take some pictures of the backstage. I will come later."

Lizi nodded and then went into the gymnasium through another entrance. Ren Ziling left for the washroom with the girl in her arms... hurriedly.

"Er... what should I do?" Ma Houde was thinking about this when he felt a cold wind as no one accompanied him here. He looked around and thought of the words of Ren Ziling. What if the fireworks caught fire? Had anyone called the firemen? "It is strange... no fire truck is here." Ma Houde frowned and then dialed the phone number of the fire brigade.

"Hello, this is Ma Houde from the criminal police team. Is your captain there... OK, I can hold on... hello, old He, it’s me, Ma Houde... I just want to confirm with you if any firemen are around the gymnasium?... Oh, I was just passing by.... the fire brigade had already departed for a while? But I don’t see them? Fine, you check first. I’ll wait for you... ha, ha. It’s not very urgent. I am available now."


"Jeez, did anyone ever clean the toilets..." Ren Ziling frowned when she held Long Er’s hand in the washing room---Of course, the toilet would certainly be in a mess because of the huge number of audiences coming... It was nothing special. Ren Ziling found a clean one and pushed the door, "OK, this one is much better."

Long Er walked in rigidly and then turned around, "You... big sister, I, I need to close the door..."

"Oh!" Ren Ziling smiled, "It’s OK. Go ahead.’ll I wash my face by the side."

Long Er sighed after closing the door. It would be a question of how to escape from the woman’s sight---with the body of a little girl. Suddenly, Ren Ziling knocked at the door, which shocked Long Er. Ren Ziling said, "Long Er, have you finished?"

"Not yet..."

"Sure." Ren Ziling added, "There is no tissue, here you go!" Ren Ziling sent a tissue from the bottom of the door, "Girls need to stay healthy. As a girl, you need to clean your body to prevent the spread of germs."

"Got it!" It would be a nightmare... the True Dragon covered her eyes in pain.

Ren Ziling laughed and then left. ’The girl Is naive and cute. If Luo Qiu and You Ye could have a cute baby like her...’ Subeditor Ren was smiling while standing in front of the mirror... thinking about the future.

The water was flowing. Ren Ziling shook her head and then opened the tap. ’It’s too early to think about it. The first thing is to let them get married... Oh, no, work first!’ Ren Ziling started to wash face again.

"Long Er, Long Er, have you finished? Long Er?" Ren Ziling found Long Er disappeared... after washing her face.



There were so many people... at the backstage. Lizi failed to pass through but she couldn’t finish her task if no photos were taken. She was not like Ren Ziling, who could carve out a way in the crowd. But she was a monster... a monster could achieve things her own way. Lizi found that since no one was noticing her, she jumped out of the window, hanging against the wall.

She put her hands on the wall to freeze a thirty-centimeter long step on the surface of the wall. Lizi squinted and blew the air from her mouth. There were more ice steps appearing on the wall... In front was the resting place for the singers. Lizi walked on the ice steps easily... these ice steps would melt and need not be disposed of. But a black shadow flashed and then climbed to the top of the wall... Lizi caught sight of it with her eyes. "A monster smell? So small..."


Cheese jumped to the wall easily and then entered into a... warehouse by the gym. Nini said that she would wait at the usual place---as a member of the previous youth club, he knew that this warehouse was their usual place. Cheese found that there was no light in the darkness.

"Where is she..." Cheese shook his head and watched from the window. He was thinking about Nini only. He would like to talk with her as he needed a peer to pour out his heart.

Suddenly, there came the light steps. Cheese saw a little shadow walking out in the twilight. Cheese’s heart beat fast as he saw Nini coming. He never found Nini that was so cute... No, no, no, Nini was no different than ordinary times. But he was blushing for no reason.

"Cheese." Nini called him. "When did you get here?"

"Nini..." Cheese took a deep breath and nodded, "I just got here... Nini, what are you doing?" Nini said nothing but hugged Cheese with her nose close to Cheese’s face, said, "Cheese, I miss you."

"Nini... stop." Cheese felt his mouth was parched and his tongue dry. Taking a deep breath, he touched Nini’s shoulder saying, "Nini, I want to talk about Wind..."

"Cheese, I like you so much." Nini continued. Cheese couldn’t breathe with a blank mind... he saw Nini closing her eyes and trying to kiss him... gradually...

Cheese could hear his fast heart beat. He called Nini’s name and look forward to what would come next. Cheese closed his eyes to imagine how sweet the kiss would be like.

Chufing---Cheese opened his eyes at once. He felt his arm was extremely painful... He couldn’t believe it.

Nini’s smile made him feel strange. She held a... bloody knife. A knife that stabbed Cheese’s arm and then was withdrawn.

"Nini... you..." Cheese covered his wound with his body against the windowsill.

"Because I, hate you." Nini squinted and then laughed, "Do you think that I will like you? I am a cat but you are a mouse... how silly you are. Did you wish for me to love you?"

Cheese was upset. His heart was hurt much more than the bloody wound... He hoped, it was all a dream.

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