Reborn In The Three Kingdoms

Chapter 2: Reborn (REWRITTEN & REUPDATED)

Chapter 2: Reborn (REWRITTEN & REUPDATED)

30 days,23 hours,50 minutes later


An alarm sound was heard inside a blank space, accompanied by a robotic sound that tried to wake up someone

Sun Tzu: "Host Please Wake Up its gonna be any minute now for you to born"

Lie Fan: "Wait... 5 more minutes Mom....."

When Lie Fan said that suddenly he opens his eyes wide, remembering what happened before as the one who wakes him up is not his mom but the system or Sun Tzu

Lie Fan: "Ah I\'m sorry Tzu I forgot that I have a system and reincarnated to another world, I dream about my mom while cultivating so its an automatic respond"

Sun Tzu: "It\'s okay Host while I\'m a robotic entity I can understand human complex emotion and losing something or someone important is hurtful"

Lie Fan: "Ah *Sniff* Thanks Tzu at least now I have you accompany me and here I thought that you\'re a Cold-blooded and Heartless System"

Lie Fan was touched by Sun Tzu thinking that he misjudged him and he vowed that he will treat Sun Tzu better at least like a frie-

Sun Tzu: "Now Host I\'m just explaining that I can understand how human feel doesn\'t mean that I care and feel sympathy toward you"

Lie Fan: "Damn you!! and here I just vowed to treat you better *Ptuih* someday you gonna regret this!"

Sun Tzu: "I will never regret it, now host the remaining time for you to be born is 1 minute. please prepare yourself mentally as physically you can\'t"

Hearing what Sun Tzu said, Lie Fan began preparing his mental while at the same time thinking that this still feels surreal. He never thought that taking home an old antique necklace make him live the life he always dreams of even though he\'s sad to leave behind his family

Sun Tzu: "It\'s beginning host in 3... 2... 1..."


*Wah* *Wah* Wah*

Old Lady: "It\'s a Boy!"

The sound of a baby crying was heard throughout a mansion accompanied by a shout, Making people who wait in front of a room where the crying sound was heard overjoyed

Gruff Man: "Congratulations My Lord your Son has been born! He will become a Great Man with how loud he cried!"

Dignified Man: "Ahahahaha! Of course he will! He is the son of me, Lie Shang Lie Caihui! or do you think he will become someone weak huh Ling Dao Ling Raozhi?"

Ling Dao: "*kneel* This one doesn\'t dare think about that my lord, forgive me for offending you"

Lie Shang know that Ling Dao is sincere when he congratulates him but he can\'t help but tease this loyal subordinate and old friend of him and start to Laugh when he sees that Ling Dao kneeled begging for forgiveness and helping him to stand up


Old Lady: "My Lord the Lady invites you to come inside to see your son"

Hearing that Lie Shang hurriedly enter the room then he saw in the bed a beautiful woman who looks pale but have a very radiant smile looking at the small human full of love and happiness

Lie Shang: "Yu Yan My Wife how are you feeling? if you need something or feeling pain just tell me I will prepare it for you myself"

Yu Yan who heard her husband said that while looking with eyes full of concern and tenderness shake her head indicating she is fine and doesn\'t need anything

Yu Yan: " I\'m fine, look at our son how cute and handsome he is I\'m sure he will be as handsome as his father. What name will you give him Husband?"

Lie Shang: "Hahahaha! Of course, he will be as handsome as his Father. His name will be Lie Fan Lie Boyan!"

All the people in the room except Lie Shang and Yu Yan began saying, welcome young master Lie Fan to the world may he live a long and healthy life

While Lie Fan who was the main character was observing everything that just happens from the process of him born to his father giving him the name same as his old name feeling weird and warm at the same time

Lie Fan: " So this is My Father and My Mom, they have a very top class appearance hehe I will be handsome in the future"

After the commotion and everything, Lie Fan was taken from his Mom\'s hand by a maidservant after drinking some *Cough* Milk and taken to what it looks like the nursery room where he will stay until he reaches teenage

Lie Fan: " Tzu what is my father position? he looks like an important official with how dignified and elegant he is"

Sun Tzu: "Your Father was the Prefect of Huai An with military rank Senior Major that has a separate command of a 3.000 Soldiers."

Hearing that his father was a Prefect he was ecstatic as it will help him prepare for the future when he is old enough to begin then he thought of two important question

Lie Fan: " What year is this Sun Tzu? and where is Huai An? I never read or saw of this city in the novel or game that I played."

Sun Tzu: " You were born 17 Years before the yellow turban rebellion begin so the year was 167 AD (A/N: Yellow turban rebellion began at 184 AD). Huai An is a port city county 100 km east of Xia Pi with a population of 150.000+ people live there and it\'s one of the port cities in Xu province beside Dong hai."

Lie Fan: " In Xu Province and Near Xia Pi that\'s pretty good, Maybe I can scheme to take the whole Xu Province from Old Tao Qian and stop Liu Bei from inheriting it. Why would I let it happen when I can be the one who has it."

Lie Fan spend the rest of the day thinking and planning his future steps from defeating yellow turbans to the coalition against Dong Zhuo as those are the big events that will happen as he doesn\'t have the power to change the timeline yet until he was asleep exhausted by the thinking he\'s doing

The Next Day, Lie Fan was woken up by his Mom picking him up from his crib to wash him and change him to new clothes then bringing him outside to enjoy the morning light and air with the scenery of the city

Yu Yan: " Fan\'er look one day this will be inherited by you, grow up to become a great man like your father or even better than him"

Lie Fan: "GaGuGa (Yes Mother)"


When Lie Fan was enjoying his baby time with his Mother suddenly heard the system sound and received a notice in front of him

[Host just received a Quest!

Have a Higher Status and Power than your Father!

Time Limit: 20 years considering the host triggered the quest when he is a baby

Reward: Golden Package 1 time only

Failure to do so Host will be Terminated!]

Lie Fan: " *Hiss* What is this quest! My Mom just said it to encourage me yet you make it into a quest and mock me at the same time Tzu?!"

Sun Tzu: "As the system, we will do the best to help Host achieve your goals and encourage you to do so or else"

Lie Fan: "Gahhhhhhh I Hate You Tzu!!"

After saying all the bad and foul words he knew toward Sun Tzu, Lie Fan began to think of a plan that can help him grow faster and when to show to his Father and Mother that he can talk normally and do mathematics like a genius

Lie Fan: " System I want to ask is there any maximum level for the cultivation?"

Sun Tzu: "Yes there is Host as your cultivation is made by a Historical Figure who is known and admired by many, your cultivation maximum level is 8"

Lie Fan: "8 huh, is there any higher level cultivation Tzu? what\'s the maximum level it reaches?"

Sun Tzu: " There is Host, Cultivation made by gods is higher level than a historical figure like Sun Tzu or Xiang Yu. God Cultivation is made maximum level of 12 is the highest."

Hearing that Lie Fan began to open the system mall and check the cultivation section to look at the cultivation and what price it is

•Great Chariot Under Heaven made by Yellow Emperor

Price: 5.000.000 SP

•Jade Create The Heaven made by Jade Emperor

Price: 10.00.000 SP

•Yin Yang Separation made by Pangu

Price: 7.500.000 SP

Lie Fan: "What?! Pangu, Yellow Emperor, and even Jade Emperor this is great! but what with this price it\'s too expensive!"

Sun Tzu: "It\'s expensive because it was made by Gods and they have its special characteristics you can get as bonus. The price was made high so that host can work hard and receive more lucrative quest reward as the weaker host the better the rewards"

Lie Fan: "Hmm okay make sense but that means I have to do many quests *Hiss*"

Thinking about how many amounts of the quest he had to do so he can get the cultivations he wants make him sweat



Name: Lie Fan


Age: 1 Day(18 years old)


Current EXP:0

Next Level:1000

Cultivation: Art Of War (level 3)



STR:5 —> 20

VIT:5 —> 20

AGI:7 —> 22

INT:12 —> 27

WIS:6 —> 21


ATR Points:0

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