Creating an Industrial Empire in 19th Century Parallel World

Chapter 123 The Amicable Discussion

"Interesting, so you two finally getting the feel of it, though I am curious, have you already made your first million?" Caroline asked as she swirled the wine glass she was holding.

"We have done it a long time ago, but we didn\'t celebrate it because you know, a million dollars was small, we are aiming higher, like a hundred million dollars," Poul answered.

"Oh, Caroline, we have been intending on asking you this but, can you help us out in our electric enterprise?" Jonathan chimed in.

Poul glanced at Jonathan and instantly realized what he just meant. "Ah the coolant," he murmured.

"Coolant?" Caroline tilted her head to the side curiously.

"Yeah, particularly in our electrical equipment such as transformers. I\'m sure you have heard about polychlorinated biphenyl."

"That is quite…" Caroline paused, biting her lower lip, and continued. "A quite dangerous chemical you are asking, Jonathan. You know it was banned in the 1970s due to its harmful effects on humans and the environment. Why would you need it for your electrical equipment when there is a safer alternative?" Caroline asked, concern etched on her face.

"That is why we are asking you. You are a chemical engineer, I\'m sure you can synthesize ester-based oil coolants…" Jonathan said.

"In this late-nineteenth-century era?" Caroline raised an eyebrow skeptically, but after a moment of consideration, her expression softened. "Well, it might be possible to create an ester-based oil coolant with the technology and resources available in our time. However, I would need some equipment that I don\'t currently have access to."

Poul and Jonathan exchanged a glance, their interest piqued. "What kind of equipment are we talking about?" Poul inquired.

"First, we would need a device capable of accurately measuring temperature and pressure, as the synthesis process requires precise control of these variables. Second, we would need a reliable method for purifying the raw materials and the final product. Finally, we would need a well-ventilated workspace with fume extraction capabilities, as the process can generate some potentially harmful byproducts," Caroline explained.

"We know, but what is the specific equipment you are referring to?" Jonathan asked.

Caroline took a deep breath and began listing the specific equipment. "We would need a mercury thermometer and a manometer for measuring temperature and pressure. For purification, we would require a glass distillation apparatus, along with a series of filters and condensers. As for the workspace, a fume hood or a well-designed ventilation system would be crucial to ensuring our safety."Poul and Jonathan exchanged another glance before Poul spoke up. "We can manage to build or acquire most of these items. It may take some time and effort, but you\'ll get it."

"Very well," Caroline agreed, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "Once you have gathered the necessary equipment, I can start synthesizing the ester-based oil coolant."

"I\'m curious, how would you do that?" Jonathan asked, as a civil engineer, he is not as versed in chemistry as Caroline.

Caroline smiled, understanding Jonathan\'s curiosity. "I\'ll break it down into simple terms for you. Essentially, we will synthesize the ester-based oil coolant through a chemical reaction known as esterification. This process involves reacting an alcohol with a carboxylic acid in the presence of a catalyst, usually a strong acid like sulfuric acid. The result is an ester, which has excellent dielectric properties, making it ideal for use as a coolant in electrical equipment."

She continued, "First, we\'ll heat the carboxylic acid and alcohol in a flask, carefully controlling the temperature and pressure. As the reaction progresses, water is produced as a byproduct. We\'ll use the distillation apparatus to separate the water from the ester, ensuring a high-purity product. It\'s essential to maintain the proper conditions throughout the process, as any deviations can lead to undesirable side reactions or impurities."

Jonathan listened intently, trying to absorb the information. "And once we have the ester-based oil, how do we test its performance as a coolant?"

Caroline nodded. "We\'ll have to perform a series of tests to ensure the ester-based oil meets the necessary requirements for use in electrical equipment. These tests will include assessing its thermal stability, dielectric properties, and compatibility with transformer materials. If our synthesized oil passes these tests, then we can confidently say that we have a viable and safer alternative to polychlorinated biphenyls."

Jonathan scoffed softly, impressed at Caroline\'s knowledge. "You know when you are explaining that to me, I can\'t help but fall for you more."

Caroline smiled at Jonathan\'s comment, her cheeks reddening slightly.

"Well, I\'m glad my knowledge of chemistry can have such an effect on you," she replied playfully, taking a sip of her wine.

Poul, who was feeling a little bit left out, chuckled slightly. "Oh, I remember Jonathan telling me about you two doing the thing…Ouch, that hurts…"

Jonathan, having just nudged Poul\'s arm, shot him a glare. "Hey, Poul, what are you going on about?"

"You were all smiles when you told me about kissing Caroline," Poul retorted, glancing at Caroline, whose face was now flushed.

"Why did you tell him that?" Caroline murmured, her voice barely audible due to embarrassment.

"It\'s an accomplishment," Jonathan replied, rubbing his head while laughing awkwardly.

"It\'s nice to see your relationship progressing. Has Jonathan won your heart, Caroline?"

"Hey, Poul, quit asking things like that!"

Despite her embarrassment, Caroline couldn\'t help but smile at the playful exchange between Poul and Jonathan. She took another sip of her wine, attempting to regain her composure.

"What about you, Poul? I\'ve heard about your own situation, concerning the woman you cherished in your past life."

Poul\'s jovial expression faded into a solemn one as the topic shifted. "Yeah, can you believe it? Who would\'ve thought she\'d be in the same world as us, let alone a duke\'s daughter? I haven\'t heard from her since I last saw her. I\'ve tried sending letters, but I never get any responses. It\'s as if they\'re being intercepted."

"What do you plan to do?" Caroline inquired.

"I haven\'t decided yet."

"In that case, why not pay her a visit?" Caroline suggested.

Poul furrowed his brow at Caroline\'s suggestion, unsure of how to approach the situation. "But how would I even go about that? Sure, I may be a rising businessman in the United States of Avalonia, but Penelope Ascart is a duke\'s daughter. There\'s no way her father would agree to let us meet. I mean, she\'s so important that even the crown prince himself would have trouble getting an audience."

Jonathan nodded in agreement. "Poul\'s got a point. Penelope\'s status and her father\'s protectiveness make this a tricky situation."

Caroline considered their predicament for a moment before an idea struck her. "What if you were to approach her under the guise of a business matter? If you could propose a mutually beneficial partnership between her family and your company, her father might be more willing to arrange a meeting."

"But the duke is a Prime Minister of the British Empire, I don\'t think there would be business to talk to."

Caroline\'s eyes lit up as another idea came to her. "Has the British Empire already adopted your automatic air brake system for their trains?"

Poul shook his head. "No, not yet. We\'ve only made a deal with the German Empire so far."

Caroline\'s smile widened. "Then why not propose that the British Empire adopt your automatic air brake system for their steam locomotives? Since it hasn\'t been implemented there yet, it could be a great opportunity to expand your business and get a chance to meet her."

Poul considered the suggestion for a moment before nodding. "It\'s worth a shot if I came to him with a legitimate business offer."

"We shall wait for your updates," Caroline said.

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