A Demon's Journey

Chapter 593 The Trio Of Women Meets The Divine Archers

Serena couldn\'t help but ask the innkeeper, "Sir, we heard that Sir Rueben and Aurelio are staying in this inn. Is this true?"

"That is indeed true," the innkeeper candidly replied.

"Can we meet them?" Serena asked a bit hopefully.

"…I am afraid I can\'t let you disrupt our customer\'s peace," the innkeeper responded.

Emily decided to take matters into her hands and stepped forward, "We won\'t disturb them. We just wish to thank them for saving us from those demons."

As she spoke, she placed a rather precious jewel on the table and slid it towards the innkeeper.

The innkeeper remain calm as he accepted that jewel and spoke, "They are sitting in the dinning hall. You can meet them there."

"Thank you!" Serena shouted word of thanks as she rushed towards the dining hall. Meanwhile, her friends remained behind as they negotiated with the innkeeper for a room in this inn.

After concluding their negotiations, the two women headed towards the dining hall. As they approached the dining hall, they noticed Serena standing outside it.

"Why are you standing outside?" Emily couldn\'t help but ask.

Serena responded excitedly, "He is here! Aurelio is here! Oh my god, I am so nervous! I have never been this nervous in my life! He won\'t think of me as a weird woman, right? Lily, is my appearance good? Do you think I should have chosen another dress for today? I never thought I would meet him so soon after coming to this city."

Her friends, Emily and Lily, noticed her nervousness and tried to calm her down. "Serena, you look beautiful. Your dress and hair are perfect," said Emily.

Lily chimed in, "Yes, and your personality shines through, Serena. Aurelio would be lucky to have someone like you."

"Yeah. If I was a guy, I would have definitely fallen for you," Emily added.

Serena blushed at their compliments, grateful for their support. "Thank you, you both look amazing too. I just want everything to be perfect," she replied.

"Don\'t worry about it, Serena," Emily said. "Just be yourself and let your charm shine through. We\'ll be right here cheering you on.

They entered the dining hall.

Instantly, two pairs of eyes gazed at them. These eyes belonged to the most powerful archers in the entire Pinhian Republic.

Serena walked in front led her group to Rueben and Aurelio\'s seats.

Aurelio noticed the group and nudged Rueben with a teasing smile, "Looks like you need to sign more autographs. Well, at least they are pretty women this time."

Rueben rolled his eyes and disdained to comment. He was getting drained of this fame. He observed the three women noticed their excitement.

To not disappoint them too greatly, Rueben knew he had to act with the best of his ability.

"…Greetings, Sir Rueben, Sir Aurelio. My name is Serena. I am one of those people whom you saved from the hands of the Demon Kings. I wished to thank you for protecting us," Serena spoke nervously.

Both archers were caught off-guard as they never expected to meet one of the survivors here.

Aurelio kindly smiled at her, "It was our duty to protect you all."

Serena blushed madly upon seeing that kind smile. As she drew nearer to him, she couldn\'t help but notice that he looked even more handsome than she had initially thought.

Reuben paid close attention to Serena and noticed that, unlike her friends who were staring at him, Serena\'s gaze had been fixed on Aurelio from the very beginning.

\'Is she infatuated with Aurelio?\'

Rueben suddenly proposed, "Why don\'t you join us?"

"Really? We can. Thank you, Sir Rueben," Emily and Lily cheered at the chance as they quickly sat next to Rueben.

Serena now realized that the only open spot was next to Aurelio and couldn\'t help but mentally thank her friends for their quick thinking.

Actually, Emily and Lily were more worried that Serena would occupy a seat next to Rueben due to her embarrassment. Thus, they moved quickly to prevent this possibility from becoming a reality.

Meanwhile, Rueben was a little uncomfortable as these two women sat next to him, however, he didn\'t dare to let it show on his face. He was actually also hoping for this situation.

From the start, Rueben had noticed that Aurelio\'s eyes seemed to linger on Serena for much longer than Emily and Lily.

"So, tell us a bit about yourself. Do you live in Rondor City?" Rueben asked.

Serena comes from a wealthy family in Luminara City. Her parents, Marcus and Julia, are prominent members of the city\'s aristocracy and have significant influence over the city\'s politics and commerce. She has always lived a privileged life, with the finest clothes and education money can buy. However, she never felt completely content with her life, feeling as though something was missing.

Emily comes from a family of merchants in Luminara City. Her father owns a successful trading company that deals in exotic spices and textiles from the far east. She has always been a hard worker, helping her father manage the family business since she was a child. She is a shrewd businesswoman and has a natural talent for negotiation.

Lily comes from a family of artisans in Luminara City. Her parents, Clara and Thomas, are both skilled craftsmen who specialize in creating intricate metalwork and jewelry. She inherited their artistic talent and has been creating her own pieces since she was a child. She is a free spirit, always looking for new ways to express herself through her art.

As they finished giving a detailed description of each other, Serena suddenly spoke, "I would like to thank you for saving me. Would you give me the chance to invite you on lunch tomorrow?"

Aurelio responded casually, "Sure. Rueben planned to show me the lake and a historical site in this city. You all can join us."

Upon hearing his words, Rueben suddenly spoke, "Actually, Aurelio, I am afraid I can\'t join you tomorrow. A friend of mine contacted me yesterday and he mentioned he wanted to talk to me regarding something important."

"Oh. Then we can delay the plan," Aurelio nonchalantly stated.

However, Rueben shook his head and responded, "No. That won\'t be a good idea. You should know that we have limited time so we should make the most of it." He suddenly stared at Serena and asked her, "Since you grew up in Luminara City, you must have explored Rondor City at some point, right?"

His question was phrased in such a manner that it forced Serena to respond immediately, "Y-yes."

"Great. Then how about you all show him the lake and the historical sites in this city while I go meet my friend? Will that be alright?" Rueben asked playfully.

Aurelio frowned and spoke, "I don\'t think it would be appropriate to trouble them."

Hearing his words, Emily spoke quickly, "No, no. It wouldn\'t be any trouble at all. Serena would be happy to show you around Rondor City."

"Yes. Please give me this opportunity to help you," Serena pleaded.

Aurelio thought for a bit and agreed, "Alright. We will meet outside the inn tomorrow morning around 10 o\'clock."

"Got it," Serena spoke.

The five continued to chat for some more time before returning to their rooms respectively.

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