A Demon's Journey

Chapter 616 Influence Of Time Laws On A Warrior With Great Providence

Chapter 616 Influence Of Time Laws On A Warrior With Great Providence

Nearly six years earlier, the Kingdom of Jorailia split apart into two territories. The Zhongxing Kingdom and the Qishan Kingdom. The reason this was important was because Kingdom of Jorailia was one of the nations who shared its borders directly with the Great Qin Empire.

And now…It was the Zhongxing Kingdom that shared its borders directly with the Great Qin Empire.

Meanwhile, the upper half of the Jorailia Empire that had split off and formed the Qishan Empire enjoyed its direct connection with the ocean and all the islands near it.

Both the Zhongxing and Qishan Kingdoms were fierce rivals as they tried to seize each other\'s territory to expand their own. Unfortunately, they soon realized the consequences of weak foundation in their respective territories.

They immediately signed a peace treaty for the next twenty years and were focused on setting a solid foundation that could withstand any difficulties for the next hundred years.

Well, it was in Liyang City, which was the Royal Capital of Zhongxing Kingdom, that William and his wives had come.

Before long, they went to a city known as Dongchun City.

Three women accompanied this warrior. They flew in the sky while staring at a specific villa in Dongchun City.

This group obviously belonged to William and his three wives.

Anny Macher is the name of his first wife.

Vivi Platz is his second wife.

And lastly, Regina Lerch is the name of his third wife.

These women all belonged to distinct tribes in Eastern Glerian Mountain Range. Well, the name of this Mountain Range had changed to Eastern Sinyalian Mountain Range after the Sinyalian Kingdom took over the Glerian Kingdom\'s complete territory.

Anny asked, "…Did you receive the exact location of that individual we are searching for?"

"I doubt I need it," whispered William. There was a sense of surprise in his eyes.

"What happened? Why do you seem bewildered?" Vivi asked a bit worriedly.

"Is this person a threat? Let\'s deal with him now!" Regina asked while also providing her solution.

Regina is a King-Ranked Warrior and easily enveloped the entire city with her Ardor. Not even the most sensitive warriors could sense her probing because she utilized the Metal Elemental laws to probe the warriors.

After probing everyone, she became confident that they could kill anyone in this city. In fact, it wouldn\'t be challenging for them to destroy the entire city.

William replied, "We don\'t need to go so far. He isn\'t a threat yet. Well, actually we need to confirm whether he is the same person that our organization informed us of." He then faced Vivi and added, "Also, I was dazed earlier because I was nearly blinded."

"Blinded?!" All three of his wives were flabbergasted by his statement.

"Yes," William added seriously.

"You know the power of my eyes. Master was kind enough to grant me these Abyss Eyes. And one such power of these eyes is to witness the providence of all humans in this world."

"After reaching this city, I activated these eyes to gaze at Dongchun City. And I noticed a spot shining brightly. It\'s shine was different from the rest. Even a Royal Prince doesn\'t usually possess such an impressive providence."

"I utilized the phase two of these eyes and focused completely on him. I wished to see the depth of his fate."

With a serious tone, William spoke, "The brightness and intensity of his providence, however, proved too much for my eyes. This implies that his providence is like mine. It is immeasurable."

"But your providence became immeasurable after completely activated the Golden Dragon Bloodline within your body? Are you suggesting that this warrior possesses fate with a power as powerful as the Golden Dragon Bloodline?" Vivi asked with a flabbergasted tone.

William\'s other wives also wished to know the answer to this question.

"No. It might be something else entirely. Let me examine him using my laws," William spoke.

For the next three minutes, four of them remained entirely silent.

William broke this silence with his whisper, "I see now…This warrior\'s soul is under the influence of Time Laws."

"What?! The Time Laws?!" His wives were once again startled by this statement.

"But how can a human gain insight into the Time Laws when they haven\'t even advanced to the King-Rank?!" Anny wondered aloud.

William shrugged in response, "Maybe he was blessed by someone skilled in Time Laws."

Regina spoke up, "But such a warrior must be renowned. So, how come we haven\'t heard about this warrior when our information network has already spread across the entire Frascoia Continent?"

William nodded, "Hmm. You are right. It\'s indeed strange that this warrior could remain concealed from our organization. We should know of him even if he is a demon in Purgatory."

At this moment, Vivi spoke, "Maybe this warrior was sealed and has escaped only recently. That would explain why he could remain hidden from our organization."

William agreed with her guess, but he added, "There is another possibility. He was blessed with Time Laws. And the person who did that could most likely be a Celestial God."

An ashen look appeared on his wives\' faces. The Celestials and the Heavens remained inaccessible for William and his organization.

The Heavens was the residence of all Celestials just as the Purgatory was the residence of Demons.

"…It will be wonderful if this warrior is related to a Celestial God. The chances of saving my master will increase tremendously," William spoke with an optimistic tone.

His wives gave him a smile and even patted his shoulder. They knew of his ardent desire to free his master and wished to support him in any way they could. It was Regina who spoke comfortingly, "Don\'t worry. Everything will be fine."

William nodded with a smile as he spoke, "Hmm."

"…Let\'s gather more information about this guy," William spoke decisively.

Very soon, the four were seated in a café within Dongchun City. They were slightly tired after that long journey.

William ordered green tea while his wives ordered coffee.

"How are you planning to handle this warrior?" Anny asked.

"Still thinking about it. Will plan it in detail after getting the information from the SIS. It\'s important to know his mentality, his strengths, and his weaknesses. Also, what sort of abilities he possesses and how he came across the Time Laws," William answered casually.

"And how will you find that out?" Vivi asked.

William replied while rolling his eyes, "I am still thinking about it."

His wives snorted upon hearing those evasive words.

"How about we meet him?" Regina suggested.

William shook his head negatively, "I don\'t want to meet him yet. We still don\'t know his ability. It will be risky to reveal ourselves to him so quickly. His great providence could make things complicated for us."

Anny snorted and spoke, "We have met and manipulated other warriors who possessed great providence like him. They were all much stronger than this warrior so why do we need to be so apprehensive of this weakling?"

William spoke, "It\'s precisely because he is a weakling that we need to remain apprehensive. A Royal Prince\'s providence is great enough to affect the world and alter the situation in his favor. And this individual\'s providence is already greater than that of a Royal Prince even though he is so weak. This proves that he can affect the world to a greater degree than a Royal Prince."

With a somber tone, he added, "I suspect that an Emperor-Ranked Warrior will appear if I antagonize this warrior with great providence. The Emperor-Ranked Warrior won\'t be stronger than me. In fact, there is a good chance that I can easily kill him. However, this event will make my providence clash against this warrior\'s. This is not my aim."

With a determined tone, William spoke, "My goal is to combine his providence with mine for a single purpose. To free my master. And I can only do so if my existence remains a complete secret to this warrior."

"If manipulated right, this warrior can become the final piece to free my master," William finished speaking with a smile.

His wives cheered upon hearing those words.

Regina suggested, "Let\'s have some SIS members interrogate his comrades."

Vivi rejected that suggestion while speaking, "No. Using our personal organization for this task would be bad. If this warrior catches a hint, it might antagonize him and pit his providence against us."

William agreed with Vivi\'s statement and asked her, "You are right. Do you have a good plan in mind?"

Vivi half-expected this question, so she replied enthusiastically, "I think its best if we make our move when he is facing a great disaster."

"Hmm. That\'s a good plan. This will allow us establish a good relationship with this warrior," Willian smiled as he heard his wife.

Thus, after eating at the café, William summoned his subordinates of SIS in Dongchun City in a hotel room near that restaurant.

The hotel room was extremely large as it was supposed to accommodate six individuals. William\'s wives seemed impressed with the room. Thus, William booked it for an entire week.

Two subordinates of SIS had been summoned to provide this information. The two were actually very nervous. Their superior had ordered them to be on their best behavior because this man is a high-ranking official in the SIS.

To prevent anyone from accidentally leaking his presence, William kept his identity a secret within this branch of SIS.

"Tell me about this warrior you informed me of. Start from where his current location is," Wang Jian instructed calmly.

"…We have narrowed his location to the Upper Street Avenue in Dongchun City. His exact location is a mystery even for us," spoke one of the subordinates of SIS.

"Mark that location on this map and leave," William commanded.

The SIS subordinates marked the location on the map.

William stared at the marked location and felt that it was the same area from where he felt that special providence.

"This verifies it. The warrior I sensed is him," William spoke. He then spoke, "Alright. Now start from the beginning.?What is his name? And tell me everything that the SIS has gathered about him."

"Sir, t-the target\'s name is L-Long Chen. He was initially a clerk in prison at Suqui Town…" Thus, the two began to narrate every bit of information they had about Long Chen.

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