Dragon Lord: Erotic MMO

Chapter 25 25: Enhancing Bloodlines! Tyrant? Emperor?

——| Welcome To Astra Online|——

Europa VII — Zell Delacroix

He found himself near the gloomy forest. His eyes examined the area, checking for any monsters remaining close. Zell noticed quite a few human and beast corpses in the distance.

"It seems more players have played today. The zones were supposed to fill in order of District from I to X."

Before he could move, a black line shattered the space before him. Curious, he reached out towards it. Abruptly, a ball of black and white fur jumped at him. Which sent his body flying into the surrounding bushes and plants as dirt filled his body.

Suddenly, before he could react, a large pink tongue licked his face rapidly, sticky drool filling his face. Griselda held him down and nuzzled against his face as her paws scratched his chest, yelping in joy.

"Wahn!" (My lord! This princess was so lonely without you. That damn fly kept buzzing and crying like her life was over!)

Zell gave a gentle smirk and stroked her soft black fur with his right hand, rubbing her pure white chest as she panted on his body. Moments later, the annoying fly she mentioned came out of the portal and hugged his face tight.

"Hmph! Stinky man, how dare you to touch dirty women! What if it spreads to me!"

—|Veronica: \'Ah, I miss you so much! Why did you flirt with that damn stinky beast, Infra! Don\'t put your things into a rabbit\'s mouth! So nasty, stinky, man! You are supposed to be mine!\'

His face was now filled with dog drool and this girl\'s tears. Her face filled with snot and tears as the 30cm fairy pummelled him with soft cotton fists. He might die if the others were here.

"Alright, girls, calm down. I have friends coming soon; you know that, right? So let me deal with things. Veronica sits on my shoulder. Griselda is in my lap. Let\'s focus on relaxing for now. Then we can kill some nasty wolves and bears."

"Wan!!!" (Yes, my lord! This princess will behave like a good girl for more strokes!)

— Griselda felt delighted at your kind heart!

Gained 10 Beast Lord Points

Beast Lord Points: 760 —> 770

—|Zell: \'Oh yeah, Griselda levelled up, but where are my Beast Points?\'

"You will only start getting them at level five and with your bonus skill points."

—|Zell: \'I kinda forgot… There was so much to take in. Can the system display them despite not being useable yet?\'

——|System Will Display Total Beast Points and Skill Points|——


Name: Zell Delacroix

— System: Beast Evolution System

Beast Points: 10

Beast Lord Points: 770

Beasts: Griselda (Noble Wolf)

Pseudo Beast: Rika (Blaze Rabbit)

"Umu, it seems this system only works for you. I tried to deny that request, and it told me to go fuck myself. That flies should know how to dream… Damn, Infra is messing with me!"

—|Infra: \'Sorry I am late, darling! This cute lynx was cleaning your room. There was so much tasty white milk on your floor!\'

It filled Zell with horror, the thought of a cat like a figure doing that. Suddenly the system showed a 3D image of a cute fairy who looked similar to Veronica but more feral and fierce, with two fluffy ears on her head with long tips

—|Infra: \'Don\'t worry, master, now that I\'ve got enough power, I can take a form like that damn fly with no brains or talent on your shoulder!\'

"Hmmm~ hmmm~" Veronica hummed, unaware of being insulted.

—|Zell: \'Well, nobody can hear my voice when I speak to you anymore. Only you as the system guide?\'

—|Infra: \'Of course, husband, now that I am here. This is our private married chat room! Fufu! Would you like me to display the options you considered earlier? We only have around ten minutes before those girls get here. Somehow, that rabbit picked the other girls up and is heading this way! Stupid horny rabbit…!\'

"Ah, please do!"

His hands stroked the soft fur of Griselda, now lying on her back, letting him touch her tummy and giving pleasant barks of joy. He used his empty hand to stroke Veronica\'s chin as she sometimes seemed to look jealous towards Griselda.

"Hmph! This goddess doesn\'t need your pity… Kyau…. Such a comforting finger! Please…. stroke more guhehe!"

— Gained + 10 BLP

— Gained + 10 BLP

Before his eyes, the options opened automatically as Infra started moving his page towards the previous items. Suddenly, a sweet flavour filled his mouth, which caused him delight. He relaxed, still sitting in the bush that broke his fall, picking a small opple from the ground and biting into it.

"100% sync ratio is divine!"

——|Beast Lord Improvements|——

—|Attribute Upgrade

50 points: + 1 STR

10 points: + 1 MAG

10 points: + 1 VIT

10 points: + 1 SPR

—|Bloodline Enhancement

200 points: Crimson Dragon + 1

200 Points: Zelgan +1

"Why is it so expensive for strength upgrades compared to my others?"

—|Infra: \'Because you reached over ten strength. This increases the amount you need to pay per stat upgrade. The rules placed on us are stringent. Otherwise, the Demon gods can raise their champions to a higher level. Which would spell doom for you all… Demons are stronger than humanity by at least two times… That\'s just the Demon Scouts and Imps.\'

"I see…"

Griselda and Veronica didn\'t care about the two chattings and enjoyed their soft rubs and stroking. He found that the same activity could only give points four times within a specific time as his points hit 800 BLP and stopped rising.

"Upgrade both my bloodlines, please, babe."

— Crimson Dragon Bloodline upgraded + 1

— Zelgen Bloodline upgraded + 1

- 400 BLP

—|Infra: \'Darling, you have 400 left; what do you want to do?\'

"Add three points to Magic, four to vitality, two to strength and three to spirit! Infra,"

— MAG + 3, VIT + 4, STR + 2, SPR + 3

- 360 BLP

Immediately afterwards. A burning pain filled his body, causing him to scream. His body spasmed and convulsed before he lost all control. He tried to tell the girls to get away, but only agony came from his lips. Veronica shot from his shoulder, grabbing onto Griselda\'s tail to avoid becoming a squashed fairy.

He vomited a mix of damaged and destroyed organs, putrid blood, and drool. His hair fell out, replaced by brand new strands that glistened in the light, stronger, more robust and silkier. His lips filled with a foamy froth, looking more like an insane patient than a warrior or handsome man.

Griselda looked at her master, who turned deep red all over, veins bulging in his entire body. Her only desire was to save him, no matter what!

"Wan!" (Lord! Hold on! This Lady shall save you now!)

She wanted to help him, but her mind only fixated on protecting her lord. Before she could move, a ferocious flame burst forward, blasting her several metres away as she rolled in the dirt and grass, her face still never leaving her master.

A dark black and brilliant red flame clashed as they filled half of his body. A hulking demon and an elegant dragon of flames fought each other. Each time they clashed, Zell\'s body would jump into the air and spurt black blood from his lips, his bones cracking and muscles reforging.

This was a special tempering only granted to him alone. These two races were supposed to be impossible to combine. Astra made a mistake and released all limits on his rebirth, which allowed him to select two races that could ascend to godhood.

His poor wolf and fairy were forced to watch as his body was torn apart and rebuilt. This repeated more than a hundred times over ten minutes with short, rapid outbursts.

A giant flame dragon with enormous wings, regal like a famed emperor.

A massive demon with sharp horns, fierce like a feared tyrant.

Both the images faced each other, unwilling, before looking down at the male.

Suddenly, the pair fused.

The dragon became fierce; thick horns grew from his forehead and temples. It became a deep red, producing a second demonic pair of wings filled with scales.

His dragon emperor became the Tyrant.

The Demon Tyrant became an Emperor.

They watched their lord in silence, in perfect unity, as the crimson flames nursed his broken body to a new level.

—|Infra: \'What is this? I don\'t know this… Who are those beings? The Dragon gods should no longer exist! We sealed the Abyss! No... Please don\'t complicate things! He is not yours to play with! Don\'t make me massacre all your fuckers spawn!\'

She hid her voice from Zell as the face on the screen changed from a fluffy lynx to a fierce predatory feline, with her eyes narrowed into slits and an emotionless face.

—|Infra: \'Nobody can mess with him! Not Astra! The demons! Even you damned old freaks!\'

——| Forgive The System! It used 134 Free Exp to level you to 3 forcibly!|—

— Granting 200 Bonus Beast points (BP) as compensation!

"Fuck! That felt like hell…." Zell said with a mutter as he spewed the old, nasty blood from his body.

He seemed to be even more handsome and charming than before. Now even the sunlight relished his presence. Veronica couldn\'t remove her eyes as she felt her heart race more than usual. Even Griselda found her lord became more amazing.

—|Infra: \'Are you alright? You can rest easy; I just want to tell you that our bloodlines have merged somehow… Or reached some deal… I don\'t understand, and neither does Astra nor Vestia….\'

"I see… But I feel amazing like I could bed a thousand women and still have power left!"

—|Infra: \'Shall we find a hotel then? Fufu!\'

"Maybe when you\'re over 150 cm in height, not long!"

—|Infra: \'Fufu… Sooner than you think!\'

A screen showed before his eyes as the robe he wore slid down to his waist. His sexy tanned body with solid and sculpted muscles was one size larger than before; his height seemed to have grown a few centimetres. His pants now looked like an eastern-style hakama.

Both women stood drooling as he saw several women slowly walking over from a distance. It was finally time to fight!

— Crimson Dragon Upgraded

Increase MAG and SPR by an additional point per level.

Fire magic improved

— Zelgan (Incubus) Upgraded

Increase STR and VIT by an additional point per level.

Physical Skills improved


Name: Zell Delacroix

Age: 19

— System: Beast Evolution System

Beast Points: 210

Beast Lord Points: 40

Beasts: Griselda (Noble Wolf)

Psuedo Beast: Rika (Blaze Rabbit)

Race: Crimson Dragon | Incubus (Zelgan)

— Class: Magic Knight (Greatsword) - Level 2: 64/200 —> Level 3: 0/300

— Sub Class: Lady Killer - Level 1: 174/200

— Free Experience Pool: 30/1,000

— Skill Points: 20/1,000

——| Attributes |——

HP: 32/32 | MP: 20/20

STR: 11 —> 18

MAG: 8 —> 16

VIT: 7 —> 16

SPR: 9 —> 16

Attack: 22 —> 36

Magic Attack: 16 —> 32

Defence: 14 —> 32

Magic Defence: 18 —> 32

Mana Regen (Per Minute): 9 —> 16

——|Stat Growth Per Level|——

|STR + 5 | MAG + 4 | VIT + 4 | SPR + 4|

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