Ghoul King's Harem

Chapter 252 252: United Again

Chapter 252 252: United Again

Rather, Brunhild was floating in the sky along with Maria and Althea as they showed golden spears down to crush the mutants that numbered double what Alexander had been fighting to get here.

Damn... but now the hidden dangers behind won\'t suddenly defrost and attack en-masse. We can deal with them at our own pace!

Alexander instantly changed the Vesta formations from the ranged blood spears to the sword style—while he raced towards the north, Alex saw a strange black fog emanating from the ground near Brunhild that destroyed any creature and snow near her... it even caused the ice to almost rot as the two thousand Vesta slowly pulled back from the enemy.

I have to help them... 

In his new stage, the power of his body could resist nearly any mortal plague, disease or illness, and his sense told him this black cloud surrounding a small mutant wasn\'t enough to kill him. As he drew both blades, the black blade and snow-white blade shimmered as he felt the joyous cries of Venri and Katrin, who were finally being used.


His wings, with a powerful gust, flapped and sent him shooting into the air towards the monster. While flying, Alexander saw Brunhild\'s army also pull back after destroying tens of thousands. Meanwhile, Brunhild was shooting a massive spear every ten seconds towards the enemies.

With one flap of his crimson wings, Alex darted like lightning behind Brunhild, startling Maria and Althea as they dropped the spears—however, Brunhild kept her focus on the enemy without moving, releasing three massive spears as Alexander flew with them, his body hidden by the glowing light, as he swirled around them, and the last moment before impact he split off and lunged towards the small mutant encased in black smog.

"Damn, show off..." Brunhild muttered with a big smile, happy to see her beloved man after so long.

Althea and Maria, although they couldn\'t hear Brunhild\'s words, clearly saw Alexander darting like a shooting star.

Their hearts melted while their legs weakened as Alexander\'s aura and intensity stunned their senses as he focused on his target with both blades raised high—his crimson wings gave him extra propulsion as the massive golden spears behind shattered the enemies, clearing out half the horde.

However, Alexander focused solely on his target as Brunhild released another spear towards the survivors as he dived upon the small mutant shrouded in black smog. Katrin gleamed brightly, absorbing any miasma she touched, and Venri added to her absorption and strengthened Alex\'s immunity and health...

So, with two swings of both blades, he easily finished off the mutant while landing with ease, causing Maria and Althea to blush as they rushed forward.

Alexander turned with Brunhild descending as he caught Althea in one arm and Maria in the other, unable to stop smiling from missing their addictive hugs.

"Did you miss me? We finally finished and can make the rest of the journey together." 

Brunhild stopped his speaking; her voluptuous body slammed into him as they began passionately kissing; her arms and body were screaming with euphoria upon touching him; she felt his power, and it was beyond hers...

For the first time in many, many years, she was the one to be protected, and it caused her lust to skyrocket while Maria and Althea kissed his neck and cheeks while locked in his embrace, happy to meet once more and share their feelings.

They weren\'t upset. Brunhild interrupted their hugs, for Alexander belonged to everyone, and they knew he would spend time individually with each woman while he focused now that everyone was safe...

The pair\'s kiss ended as Brunhild sucked the saliva into her mouth with an entranced look. "It\'s hard... so many enemies each day; I was worried you would never catch up, darling."

Alexander rubbed her round and sexy butt, unable to stop grinning, "Don\'t worry, Brunhild; no matter how many enemies there are... we will slaughter everything, reach our destination—then, as my sweet beloved desired... our wedding night in the north we will have a night of lovemaking in the snow~ haha."

Maria and Althea\'s hearts stopped as Brunhild couldn\'t hide the uncontrollable grin on her face, her golden eyes gleaming, "So you remembered—you\'d better not disappoint this girl then~ cause it will be a night you will always remember."

Alexander shook his head; there wasn\'t a memory he would forget or deny from any of his beloved women—they offered everything to him, and they used their bodies like this just for his dream and goal. 

"Master... kiss Althea too." 

"Maria, too! I want to kiss, too!"

Alexander, of course, gave both women equal kisses before letting them down; Brunhild released Maria and Althea, who gently kissed his cheeks one more time before floating and returning to focus on fighting—although Alexander felt the Vesta could handle it, he didn\'t mind helping or allowing them to practice.

"Watch my little brigade..." 


Suddenly, the beautiful blue Oni and his two hundred troops all lined up like they were so drilled, each one lifting one arm as their blood spear barrage was created...


The massive volley shot into the air; Alexander sheathed both swords as he pointed forward, instantly conjuring over fifty spears that began to surround the blood spears made by the Vesta like a cyclone; instantly, the massive volley of spears grew in size and power, killing hundreds if not over a thousand mutants in less than three minutes.

When Alexander finally finished conjuring the massive blood spear barrage, Brunhild whistled in delight; her body floated as she lifted her spear... instantly, Maria and Althea formed two massive gold spears and conjured their holy spears, and shot over six dozen like missiles towards the enemy, the size and strength a little weaker, before Brunhild threw hers...

Instantly, all spears flew forward with unimaginable speeds—if an ordinary person looked, they wouldn\'t see anything but a blinding after light in their eyes and an explosion in the distance. However, Alexander laughed as Brunhild swooped forward and picked up Althea and Maria before retreating as both bombardments clashed.

Like a mushroom cloud—with fire, snow, mutant body parts and blood raining from the sky, the carnage

"What lovely carnage..." Alexander whispered as he felt the amount of power their army gained from this slaughter.

Indeed... this blood feast will strengthen us all immensely. The Vesta... they surpassed his first estimate as now they were all on the border of Stage Five... His eyes closed, feeling the soft embrace of a cool body; it was Sarah as she nibbled his neck, now back from the front lines.

"My husband, you are finally here... I waited so long." She sniffed several times before licking him.

Alexander turned as his palm cupped Sarah\'s cheeks, and his lips met; the Vesta army left an opening for their master to enjoy his time. Brunhild happily looked on while Althea and Maria hugged and spoke to each other as they observed his incredible abilities...

As far as Alexander estimated, there were more than forty miles until they reached the Succubus City stronghold...

It seems so close, but I imagine it will be a harsh journey of growth and adaption...

The only thing that truly mattered was they were all united again.

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