Banished to Another World

Chapter 219: One of Yan Mo’s prestige 2

Chapter 219: One of Yan Mo\'s prestige 2

Yan Mo, thought of wine, but he doesn\'t want to drink alcohol, but he needs alcohol. Every time he treats a wound, and he will habitually want to disinfect the wound, but wanting the original unremarkable alcohol cotton. It is a delusion here.

Now that there is cotton in the tribe, and he naturally wants to make alcohol. He wants to get high-purity alcohol. He doesn\'t talk about brewing because even getting raw materials can kill him.

He didn\'t brew wine back in the previous world, but only had an inkling of how to. Fruit’s and the like are basically not likely to get him the high-purity alcohol, and food... It is known that earthen fruit cannot be brewed into alcohol.

Even if the earthen fruit can be brewed into alcohol, it is not enough to eat. It is a pity to use it for wine making, and how to get high-purity alcohol after brewing, and take time to think about without proper equipment.

Don\'t know if there are any wines or likely in The Three Cities or other big tribes?

Grain, tea, bamboo, metal... He is very interested to go to another bigtribes to see if they have the raw materials and craftsmen that he urgently needs.

However, the tribal foundation is not stable, how can he go?

He can still do so many things in the tribe, and when he leaves for a while and comes back, maybe Jiu Yuan will change back to Yuan Ji\'s development model.

Slavery can\'t be completely abolished even in the modern society of his original world. Because it’s an animal instinct, the vast majority of human beings instinctively want to control the heads of the weak. Although educated, most people natures can be suppressed. But not everyone can be satisfied with the status quo, there are always some people who like to trample on the dignity of people, stepping on the bottom of their feet to meet their distorted desire as a superior.

What\'s more, and he is now in a savage society dominated by strength.

Capturing slaves and supporting slaves is their social form. They have become accustomed to it and are proud of it for a living.

It is easy to bring a bunch of slaves to a slave exile or liberation camp, but to make a group of slave owners change their minds and let them no longer support slavery, that’s just like making a ferociously attacking beast not eat meat.

Why should I do this kind of thankless thing?

If there is no Guide!

Even without a guide, can he really watch the slaves, rape, and cannibalism happen before his eyes, and stay indifferent?

If you don\'t want your eyes to suffer and you don\'t want to test your scum once and for all, it\'s better to stop the possibility of these things from the source.

Is it difficult? It is very difficult.

But he is the Priest of Jiu Yuan, the Boss of this tribe, who dares not listen to him, he will send them to hell!

"You don\'t have to wait for tomorrow, concentrate everyone, and we will solve it tonight!" Yan Mo ordered Da He.

"Yes. Da Ren, does everyone include those women and children?"

"Of course."

"But they don\'t have clothes..."

"Let Sa Yun take out all the stored furs of the tribe and wrap them in advance. Make them gather together, put the hay on the ground, put a fire on the ground, how many points can be, the tribe will not suffer for these firewood!”


“Da He, I am talking about everyone, tonight, at home, on the patrol, watching the gates, and shouting at the observatory! Lan Dier, who just went to dig the coal tell him to get back and pick up the people by the river, they all must be returned. The tribe is now very homogeneous, and Meng too."

"Ah, but..."

"Da He, go to call the people." Yuan Zhan, who is next to him, spoke the time to pull the people who had just arrived. The official members of the tribe have also been more than 300 people. The warriors who patrolled, looked around and guarded the gates were just wary. And the deterrent effect is lost and if someone hit the door, they also can\'t get much effect to stop them.

There are moats in the outer city and one-third of the outer walls has been built. Don\'t worry about the night beasts.

Yuan Ji will not be stupid enough to attack them.

It is impossible for the dwarves to organize an attack in just a few hours, and attacking Jiu Yuan does not make much sense to them.

Yan Mo also thought of this, and dared to call everyone to concentrate. Now that there are fewer people, if he doesn\'t make it clear, and when they have thousands of tribes in the future, they won\'t have the time when they want to concentrate everyone.

It takes a little time to gather everyone together, and Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan have already arrived at the place.

Everyone saluted the two.

Bing let his men suppress the few people who committed the crime and walked over to Yan Mo. "Mo Da Ren, tonight, I caught five people in violation of the tribal rules and will use them as an example."

"You are doing very well. Strip all those people." The cold and low voice makes the people who hear it all in one heart.

Everyone has the same sentence in mind: Priest Da Ren is angry!

Bing turned his head and the opponent waved. "Wasn\'t Mo Da Ren\'s order heard? Strip them!"

"Yes!" The picket members holding these captured warriors are specially selected because they were strong warriors. The warriors are all high ranked. When the order is spoken, they will smash the five murderers into light pigs.

Lie Gou among the five yelled: "I don\'t accept it! Priest Da Ren, why are you doing this to us? What have we done wrong?"

"Shut up!" Bing slapped his hand on Lie Gou\'s face.

Lie Gou struggled wildly. He didn\'t dare to face the Priest, and he slammed all the swearing words to Bing.

Everyone looked to Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan.

Yan Mo didn\'t hear Lie Gou\'s cry, but Yuan Zhan took a thick fur and laid it on the stone chair he had just made.

"Mo, sit." Yuan Zhan also got a half circle of earth wall around to block the wind.

Yan Mo turned to step on the steps and sat down on the stone bench with thick fur.

Ding Fei led several guards to ignite several braziers around the stone chairs.

Wu Chen and Ye Xing led the children to set up the pillars and put on the torches to ensure that the people around them could see the place clearly.

Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan didn\'t talk, and no one below dared to plead.

Lie Gou was also called and kneeling at the beginning. After a while, and he had frozen facial muscles. He wanted to run to a warm fire and but he was suppressed.

The other four looked pale and white, and they shivered and didn\'t dare to ask for mercy, let alone shout like Lie Gou.

Snow sweeping, laying straw, igniting the fire, and guiding people in the place, without Yan Mo’s special instructions, the heads of all the leaders and the warriors have already done all these things.

The warriors gathered the fastest, and the leaders at all levels stood in front of the team.

Other non-combatants and more than 200 savage people are concentrated in another.

The more than 1,300 new people stood in the middle.

On the open space between the Jiu Yuan people and the first two people, there are five people who are about to freeze.

When people gathered, there are still people talking. Many people are asking what happened, but soon, the voice becomes whispering, and the whispers disappeared afterwards. People are stunned by this dignified and severe atmosphere. No one dares to speak again. If a child who is not sensible makes a cry, and he will immediately be quieted by an adult.

The warriors from the observatory came at the latest, everyone was waiting for them in the same place, but no one dared to complain, did you not see Leader and Priest Da Ren waiting?

Everyone saw the five people who were pulled out to punish, but no one sympathized with them, and no one felt that it was not good.

Don\'t say that Priest Da Ren just makes people look at them. If Priest Da Ren says that they all should bake them and they will only help stoke the fire. They will never think that Priest is wrong.

Yan Mo looked at the crowd of more than 1,800 people below.

No one dares to look at him. Anyone who comes into contact with him will all be too busy to quickly bow his head.

Ignorant and clever, honest and awkward, calm and crazy. This is the original people now.

You think they are fooling him, they have their own ideas.

You think they are smart, but they are ignorant and stubborn, so that you can\'t wait to slap them both.

Yuan Zhan saw people coming, he moved, pointing to the five people below, and asked: "Do you know why they were caught?"

No one answered.

Yuan Zhan also does not need people to answer, "Because they violated the tribal rules. Bing, according to the tribal rules, how do we punish people for causing violent injuries?"

Bing stepped forward, "whip 50 times, cut one finger!"



“No—!” Lie Gou’s mouth blew out.


No one expected that Priest Da Ren would stop at this time, and Yuan Zhan turned to look at him with a slight surprise.

Yan Mo didn\'t look at Yuan Zhan, but looked at the five people below. "The tribe punishes you. Do you feel dissatisfied?"

The other four did not dare to answer. Lie Gou didn\'t want to lose his fingers and so he nodded desperately.

"Well, talk about the reasons for your dissatisfaction. If you can convince me, you will not have to be punished again."

Lie Gou and the other four were ecstatic, Lie Gou rubbed his lips and said loudly: "They are only female slaves, we are warriors, why can’t we...”

“Give them clothes and give them a hot soup.” The five men almost shed tears and they expected to be whipped them, but if they freeze like this, and they will died of freezing before it even reached the whipping time.

The hot clothes that were warmed by the fire wrapped their bodies, and others helped them rub their hands and feet. Several children gave them hot soup.

It’s easy for five people to breathe a sigh of relief.

Many people think that Priest Da Ren is still too kind, look, this will freeze them for a while and they can\'t bear it.

Yuan Zhan\'s eyes turned around in Yan Mo, revealing a silent smile.

Yan Mo was facing the following five people: "I remember that I have made it clear that this time and the people who come later are not slaves of Jiu Yuan. Although they need to do labor in exchange for freedom but their rights and duties are like Jiu Yuan people, that is to say they are all to be treated like Jiu Yuan\'s people, just like you. Didn\'t you hear that?"

Four of them immediately shook their heads, and Lie Gou had to say, "We heard it."

"Since all of you have heard it, then tell me why you still think they are slaves? Who told you that they are slaves?"

The five people could not speak.

"If you can\'t say a rebuttal, then let the ruling group..."

"Wait!" Lie Gou probably thinks that the Little Priest above is better than Yuan Ji\'s Old Priest, and even kinder, he was thinking that even if the penalty is fifty whips and a finger lost, it is better to take this opportunity to say what he wants to say.

"Mo Da Ren, I, I still don\'t accept it! Even if they are not slaves, can you get them to us for the warriors? Why can\'t we sleep with them?"

"Idiot! Because you use force!" Bing was so annoyed that he went on to intervene before Yan Mo could reply, and he scorned the men contemptuously.

"What\'s the reason for their use? Haven\'t we been like this before! Bing, you used to sleep with slaves, whether they were willing or not! At this time, you are pretending to look like you are better than us!" Lie Gou looked back without fear.

Bing stared at Lie Gou coldly.

Lie Gou is not afraid of the Priest, but he is afraid of Bing. As long as it is Yuan Ji, who does not know how much sinful sorrow Bing has, even the Leader Zhan has been hurt by him! He really can\'t think of such a person, how can the Leader allow him to be the leader of the picket team.

Bing saw Lie Gou scared, and he added: "Yuan Ji is Yuan Ji, Jiu Yuan is Jiu Yuan, I am Jiu Yuan now, of course, and I must follow Jiu Yuan\'s rules. If you think Yuan Ji is good, why did you follow us when we came to Jiu Yuan?"

Because I thought Jiu Yuan could make me live a better life! Because I am a Xi Rang Clan person! Lie Gou is not stupid enough to know that this can\'t be shouted. He lowered his head and tried to turn his head.

With! Lie Gou looked up, "Mo Da Ren, you ask everyone, ask other people, ask them if they want to want a slave! Even if they are in Yuan Ji, Chief and Priest, they have to decide with the warriors, based only on the majority. If everyone agrees to execute."

"Don\'t be disrespectful to Priest Da Ren!" Bing slammed Lie Gou.

Lie Gou shot the light of sorrows, but he didn\'t yell at this time, just staring at the Priest above, waiting for his reply.

Yan Mo rubbed his lips. "Well, then I will ask everyone, do you want to want a slave?"

Yan Mo couldn\'t see the expression of the people below, the night and the refraction of fire and snow, let their expressions change. It’s dark and strange.

"Don\'t be afraid, I won\'t punish you, just as the warrior said, the tribe has to decide what to do, and everyone must approve and agree. Tonight, we will pass the tribal rules again, and decided to which ones to cut down tonight. There is no very special reason and the situation will not change.”

Yuan Zhan saw everyone\'s intentions, instead of asking everyone: “How do we decide?”

Yan Mo replied: “The minority obeys the majority, and the tribal rules are crucial. To this end, More than 80% of the people must agree so that the rules can pass. Do you agree with this?”

No one objected.

Lie Gou shouted at this time: "The newcomers can\'t be counted, they can\'t talk about the common language! And they have too many people!"

Yan Mo sneered in his heart, this guy is a bit irritating, but why? Is he stupid enough to openly violate tribal rules? This person has never taken the tribal rules seriously.

It may be more than this person. Perhaps most of the people in the tribe still maintain the rules of the original tribes. They have not violated the rules of Jiu Yuan at present, but it is not necessary for the time being.

"Then it is divided into two parts, Jiu Yuan\'s original people and newcomers. Wu Chen, you and Sa Yu are responsible for counting the data of newcomers. Ye Xing, you are responsible for counting old data."

"Yes." The boy who entered the boyhood immediately went to find slate and charcoal.

Many people think that Priest Da Ren is going through troublesome. They really don\'t mind what Priest Da Ren said and what he says is what they listen to, but at the same time they are a little excited. If they can really change the tribal rules tonight, can they have slaves and more benefit’s?

Lie Gou is a little proud. Even if he is really punished tonight. As long as the tribal rules really change, who will dare to degrade him in the tribe? He is a great benefit to all warriors!

And he is so brave and thinks about the Horde, and the Leader and Priest Da Ren will have some ideas? Will it be possible to push around the next time?

In order to facilitate the statistics, Jiu Yuan\'s non-war personnel all stood on the side of Jiu Yuan warriors.

Most of the new women and children can\'t understand the common language, but they can understand Yan Mo\'s words. They have hate, confusion, and hope for the future. They also feel the young Priest seems to be standing on their side.

They heard that their opinions will also be counted, which surprised them and made them a little confused.

The way to express opinions is simple. You can vote by hand.

Because the children are still not sensible, the statistics here whose opinions counts is more than 800 adult women and two hundred less adult savages.

Yan Mo looked almost ready, and he pointed out to Da He.

Da He is a big man, standing in front of the steps, and he recited the tribe\'s nine rules.

"Is it clear? First, is there any disagreement about the ruling group system?" Yan Mo asked the old man first.

No one raised his hand and the first one passed.

Yan Mo asked the newcomer again, in order to let them understand, and he specifically explained the first rule in detail.

New people don\'t feel that there is any problem with this rule. Even if they have ideas in their hearts, they will not dare to express any opinions when they first come.

Yan Mo specially put the controversial second monogamy behind, first from the third to the ninth.

The rules of family concept, fair trade, criminal punishment, education, and support and reward system from Rule 3 to 9 were uncontroversial and unanimously adopted.

Three orders, quit killing, no beating, no betrayal, and no objection.

The last major event came.

"Second Rule close relatives are not allowed to marry, 16 years old and above can be married, and everyone must follow monogamy. Do you have different opinions? For example, Sa Yun has been approved by the tribe because of the situation in her home, if you were not in it, Sa Yun you don\'t have to think about your own situation, just indicate whether you support the tribal rule.”

Sa Yun laughed, although she and her two husbands are one-to-many, they all support the rules decided by Priest.

Many of the old people began to hesitate to raise their hands.

Yan Mo touched Yuan Zhan gently.

Yuan Zhan knows what he wants. He said to the following: "If you don\'t agree, raise your hand, no one will beat you!"

The old people suddenly lost their hearts, and they didn\'t want to be left alone. They boldly raised their hands, but they didn\'t dare to raise their hands. After seeing so many people have raised, they also felt the courage.

Ye Xing is wittier. He is afraid that a number of people will not come. He asked the head of the warrior regiments to help him to count together. The number of each regiment is counted very fast.

Yan Mo saw more than half of the people disagreed with monogamy and did not say how to solve it. They only nodded and said they knew. Then let those who disagree all stand on one side alone.

Listening to Priest Da Ren let them go out to stand in another place. Those who raise their hands were speculating. They can see that there is no special indication in the Leader Zhan. They wonder if Chief Da Ren will not be willing to be with a single woman. If he think about it, he will stand up with them.

Yan Mo asked the new people again, perhaps because the woman accounted for a large proportion, and the savage still had some ignorance, but not many people expressed opposition. And the individual savage who raised his hand, Yan Mo asked Wu Chen to ask them out and let them stand on the side of the old man who expressed opposition.

When the old man saw Yan Mo’s move, and he was a bit embarrassed and didn’t know what Priest Da Ren was going to do.

"The following one, although not written in the tribal rules, I have made it clear to everyone that I will ask you again tonight, if you agree, you will also rewrite into the basic rules of the tribe. That is, Jiu Yuan Tribe does not allow slaves. If you don\'t agree with this rule, just stand up and stand there.” Yan Mo pointed a finger.

Someone stood up and Ye Xing let the people who raised their hands in the monogamy group also stand there.

"There is another one, which is a supplement to the crime of assault and the crime of buying and selling people. The relationship between husband and wife, brothers, and family members in the tribe related to violence. Once found, it is also punished according to the crime of causing injury! And some people in the tribe transfer their wives, husbands, children, brothers and sisters, etc., regardless of whether they are willing or not, will be punished according to the crime of buying and selling people! On these two points, people who do not agree will stand there."

Some people do not understand the contents of these two articles, Yuan Zhan added: "Warriors hit their own women, children, or adults at home to beat children and fight disciples, causing harm, it is a crime of injury! There are warriors who do not want their partner, they give them away or let others enjoy it, and this also violate the tribe rule."

There were buzzing underneath, and there were many people talking about it. Some people think that these two supplements are good, and some people think that it is more than one thing.

Yan Mo let them quarrel, and when they slowly calmed down, they said again: "Consider your choices very clearly! People who do not agree to join these two also stand up and stand there."

The crowd changed again.

At this point, the entire tribe, regardless of new or old, is divided into two more obvious blocks.

Those who veto monogamy in the past, want to have slaves and oppose new supplements are carefully separated by Ye Xing by the brazier. The number of these people adds up to a lot, even more than half of Jiu Yuan\'s original population.

These people were very upset, but they were not afraid after seeing that they had so many people.

Yan Mo pointed to Lie Gou and other five people and ordered: "Give me more light fires!"

Lie Gou and other five people already had a smile on their faces. They watched such huge number of people support Lie Gou\'s opinion and thought that this time they will escape from punishment, but they never think that Priest Da Ren just passed all the rules and turned to punish them.

Lie Gou screamed. The other four also began to beg for mercy. It’s frozen to warm, warm to frozen. It’s not as cold as it was at the beginning, but it’s not felt after it’s frozen. Now it’s hard to warm up and be dull, so don’t mention it!

Yan Mo dislikes the mercy calling so he said low: "Close that mouth!"

Bing grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into Lie Gou\'s mouth.

The five were once again lighted.

"The members of the ruling group come forward." The members of the ruling team came out of the crowd.

"Do you think they are guilty?"

"Yes." The members of the ruling team have no objection to this.

"So do you agree to punish them?"


"Good, Bing, execute punishment!"

"Yes!" Bing had long waited for this sentence.

The people underneath began to panic about Priest\'s face, especially those separated by a brazier.

Yan Mo didn\'t mean to explain it at all, and he didn\'t mean to convince them. He had different ideas. Now he can\'t necessarily get the understanding of these savage people, so...

"If you haven\'t forgotten, you should remember that I told you if want to join Jiu Yuan. To become a true Jiu Yuan person must be tested."

The face of the separated persons have changed greatly.

"The person who disagrees with the rules of Jiu Yuan does not need to be a Jiu Yuan person, you!" Yan Mo said with the separated people, "You can pack and get out. The five people will also be throw out after the punishment!

"Mo Da Ren!” The people who were separated were shouting, and some people stumbled fell down.

Yan Mo has no soft heart, no matter whether there is a high-ranking warrior leader. "I will give you an hour, go home and pack your things. I will allow you to take away your private property, if your family wants to leave with you. You can also take them away. After an hour, I will let Bing expel you, if you don’t go he will kill you! Now pack your things and get out of my city!”

“No! Mo Da Ren! We are wrong! I agree! I agree with the rules of the tribe! Da Ren!”

“Leader! First Chief Da Ren!” The separated people went one after another, and in the end there was no one standing again.

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