The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 464: Its almost time~!

Chapter 464: It\'s almost time~!

Two orbs, the bigger one violet and the smaller one white, were floating through the darkness cozily snuggling to each other.

They didn\'t even talk or anything, simply content with each other closeness.

|...ha... Zombie, I guess that it\'s already time to tell you this.|

Suddenly, the white orb fidgeted said after breathing out with a hint of annoyance that the cuddling time had to come to a stop.

|What is it? Did something happen?!|

The violet orb flinched and tensed up in worry.

|Nothing bad – I just want to inform you that the night of the hungry wolves event has been completed just as it was required for unlocking the secret ending that we want to accomplish.|

The white orb reported in a calm and composed voice...

|Are you sure?! No, wait – first of all, has it really been so long? I lost track of time ages ago! Or maybe only an hour ago... this place is really messing with my mind.|

...but even so, it sparked a rather explosive reaction from the violet orb that started bouncing and spinning all over the place before stopping and voicing a concern.

|Everything is fine, just as I told you so, you know – that backstory event ended in the correct way four years ago, so it is almost time for the global event to start – and if so, the time that you will be able to break through your seal is right about the corner too~!|


The white orb declared with cheerful confidence – making the violet orb back off taken aback.

|What do you mean it ended four years ago?! But..! What...? So, what, we\'ve been sealed here for over eight years already?!|

The violet orb gasped in disbelief, sounding as if it was glaring at the white orb.

|Well... that\'s how things are supposed to be for the secret ending to happen, you know...?|

The white orb shyly rolled around the violet one and explained bashfully.

|Your favorite overseer had messed around a lot during the first playthrough and that\'s why the global event activated far too early... From the very beginning, the roles should be given out when the main cast is over eighteen – like it is now.|

The white orb added, stopping and starting to roll around in the opposite direction.

|I\'m pretty sure I\'ve told explained it all before though...|

She sounded as if she furrowed her brows trying to remember things properly.

|Oh well. The only thing we are waiting for right now is for your kept man skill to rank up into acedia, and for it to be rejected, returned to the sin of origin nucleus – that means this place – and then return as EXP to level up your superbia so the queen\'s greed-based skill will increase the fuel consumption and turn off – ultimately freeing you!|

The white orb bounced up in excitement, watched by the speechless violet orb.

|What? Is it too complicated or something? Don\'t worry – this playthrough\'s Cranberry and Roan will get to your physical body just in time for that to happen, so you won\'t have to wander your way out.|

She added.


|Are you angry...?|

She asked when only silence responded to her.

|What will those two?be doing in the secret treasury of the queen?|

The violet orb finally answered, sounding rather unconvinced.

|Looking for you, obviously – after all, I told Kopia that once the global event starts, she can stop holding that girl back – and don\'t worry, I told her to still keep an eye on her until you properly wake up, just in case. Praise me.|

The white orb answered, sounding as if she shrugged her shoulders and then demanded to shower her with gratitude and affection, losing all the pretense of bashfulness is was trying to keep up so hard before.

|Praise? Praise what? Your stubbornness or cheekiness?|

The violet orb scoffed, rapidly spinning from right to left.

|Ha ha! You might be saying that now, but you know that you love me~!|

The white orb let out a short, bark-like laugh and declared, trying to pull a reverse card on the violet orb.

|I do. But you really making it hard for me, you know? Do you want me to say I hate you for a change?|


The violet orb sounded as if he shrugged his shoulders and effortlessly deflected the provocation right back to the white orb that gasped as if she received an actual attack.

|So, anyway~ How long until our rescuers show up?|

The violet orb smirked and asked curiously.

|...haa... The global event just started, and Kopia should tell Cranberry that it\'s okay to go for you, so let\'s say... around two or three.|

The white orb breathed out and revealed with hesitation.

|Two or three what? Weeks? Days? Hours...?|

The violet orb asked, eager to get the actual, non-vague answer.



The white orb answered dismissively, causing the violet orb to jolt in shock.

|Don\'t act so surprised, Zombie – after all, the villainess and the main capture target are in the middle of planning how to rescue the heroine from the forced arranged marriage with the awful Durian Greed.

She added, casually dropping the equivalent of a megaton bomb of exposition.


Even though it was impossible to actually achieve in the separate plane of existence the two orbs were in, the violet orb sure did try to shout so loud that the air would tremble.

|Oh, right. Funny story, actually, you see – the forced marriage that Cranberry from the first playthrough was almost forced to by that trash of a mother of hers – that was actually the story event repurposed by your favorite system overseer. It was originally meant to be the first event of the game - The valiant prince learns about the evil scheme of his uncle and rushes to save the heroine in distress~|

The white orb explained casually, making use of the violet orb petrification, and rolled over to snuggle up to him.

|Anyway – as she is already in the palace, your villainess will drop everything and rush to you, taking the prince with her – isn\'t that a lucky coincidence?|

She asked giggling.

|I\'m kidding~! There\'s no luck involved. That\'s how things are playing out thanks to your hard work with setting it all up! Congratulations!|

The white orb added nuzzling against the violet orb.

|Pati... WHAT. THE. FU...!|

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