The Villainess and I, her Zombie

Chapter 566 - Checking Out The Lake - And Learing A Lot

Chapter 566 - Checking Out The Lake - And Learing A Lot


The blue undead knight in jet-black armor dropped out of the sky and crash-landed right by the shore of a small lake that some might even call a pond- missing the surface of the water by more than ten feet and causing a small scale earthquake.

"...going there alone or else a stupid spirit will not come out, seriously..."

Zombie mumbled to himself in annoyance while stumbling his way out of the crater that he himself had created.


He scoffed shaking off the dust and soil away from his armor.

Then, the blue undead knight\'s eyes shone with a murky red light and he proceeded to look around checking for anything alive in the vicinity.

Only some weak bird monsters and small rodents are even weaker than frenzy rabbits...

All in all the rea seemed to be very peaceful – and what was probably more surprising – completely untouched by the human hand.

It really looked as if no one found this place since the young leader of the Brave Swords, Cherry, had stumbled his way across the lake and received a holy sword from the mysterious orange spirit.

"...that said... shouldn\'t spirits have life signatures too...?"

Zombie frowned, looking back at the lake.

There certainly wasn\'t anything in there that could pass for the remnant of the abyss god, Hell.

Actually – there was absolutely nothing living in that body of water, period!

...but that was the concerning part – how was it even possible...?


Zombie furrowed his brows and stepped towards the lake – the water looked normal, at least at the first glance...

"Maybe the water is somehow blocking my skill...? It could be possible that a remnant of an administrator could pull something like that off, right...?"

The blue undead knight asked, patting the crossguard of the sword at his waist.


The sword that remained silent...

"Hello, Kopia...? Don\'t tell me you are still angry about sending Monty together with the little Roan? You must have heard Cranberry talking about it – apparently, their special quest is already on its way and if things go well we will not have to intervene at all – after all, the heroine is supposedly the one who should complete the secret quests, to begin with."

Zombie explained, gently caressing the crossguard and the pommel of the one-handed shortsword sheathed in an expensive-looking scabbard.

"...I am angry... Monty is mine... what if the stupid humans will end up killing him as it happened to green...?"


After a couple more seconds of stubborn silence, the sentient sword vibrated and the muffled high-pitched noise resounded in the air, forming into words while changing frequency.

"...oh... I get it now – that\'s why you were angry from the very beginning... You do share memories with Pati, just like Cranberry does, you knew all about the secret quests and the possible outcome from the start, didn\'t you?"

The blue undead knight gasped in realization and asked, momentarily forgetting about his original purpose.

"...yes... master – I don\'t like this... most of those special quests can be completed in three different ways, by killing the remnant in after it takes the important role for itself, killing the original target mentioned by the quest, or by figuring out the secret meaning behind the quest – green didn\'t stand a chance because the Envy quest could be completed by a sacrifice – the remnant from the Sloth quest will not even take part in the quest – its role is to hang in the background threateningly – but the rest can be figured out as long as the players are willing to put in some work!"

Kopia called out in a pitiful frequency and jumped out of the luxurious scabbard and changed into her humanoid form in the flash of white light without Zomei ever trying to stop her.

"Why are we believing that humans will make the right call! What if they will straight up kill my Monty because it will be more convenient for them?!"

The crimson-haired girl clenched her fists and cried out, gritting her teeth.

"Is it that bad...? What exactly is Roan\'s secret quest anyway? And shouldn\'t it start only after it becomes the avatar – I thought the queen was still alive...!"

Zombie frowned and asked, crossing his arm and keenly observing the crying girl in a fluffy dress.

"No! Greed\'s secret quest is all about the heir becoming the avatar!"

Kopia stomped her foot, puncturing the ground under her foot, and declared angrily.

"No. No, seriously, wait. Am I going crazy here – wasn\'t Roan\'s quest supposed to activate with Xavi\'s help after the village will be completed?!"

The blue undead knight flinched and stepped back, raising his hands defensively while his face betrayed the utter confusion.

"It was supposed to go like that, right? Or am I going crazy?"

He asked blinking repeatedly trying to figure out what was really going on.


Kopia breathed out, shaking her head.

"With the help of the monster villager, the four other Dandelions and the adventurers who were brought there by Xavi managed to set up the village already! Xavi also activated Roan\'s secret quest by contacting him and revealing the secret about his birth – and by doing so she also made the first step to activating the secret quest of Wrath."

The girl revealed with a pouty expression as if Zombie was a father playing house with his daughter and he couldn\'t keep up with the girl\'s wild imagination.

...and that also was exactly how Zombie was feeling at the moment too...

"What do you mean? Alright – let\'s say I can understand the whole secret of birth – basically, Xavi told Roan that he isn\'t the child of the current royal couple but rather the love child of the queen and Quince – the same dude whom I killed and convinced the others that he ran away from servitude."

The blue undead knight recounted counting on his fingers.

"Since that\'s the case I expect the quest to lead to some sort of secret plot from Roan, resulting in the current queen getting murdered and Roan receiving the avatar\'s title but what the hell does it has to do with Wraths? That guy... what was his name... Corvus – the white-haired one – right? Will his quest start after the queen will be killed?"

Zombie asked looking up at the crimson-haired sentient sword waiting for confirmation.

"...master, you are completely wrong... Seriously..."

Kopia sighed, shaking her head in disbelief.

"Wh-what...? Why so? If I am wrong then just tell me what it is about – we aren\'t even taking part in the quest, to begin with!"

The blue undead scoffed and shook his head while complaining.

"The white-haired one, Crovus, he is the firstborn child of the royal couple – but he was already born with an extreme LUC stat coupled with the lack of upper limit of how high it can go – and for someone from the Greed family that is absolutely unacceptable – all of their skills have a requirement of a really low LUC stat or they simply don\'t work – normally the child like that would be disposed of. The queen asked her trusted – at that time – friend of hers, to do it – but the woman couldn\'t get herself to just kill the child, and instead, she escaped with it to another territory where she left it with a group she considered friends. Still, a couple of years later, said friends – a group of adventurers – ended up failing a mission and dying, leaving the kid out on the street fending for himself."

Kopia revealed with indifference as if she didn\'t just drop quite a lot of lore on Zombie\'s head.

"Greed quest is all about the heir learning about it, confronting his parents about the whole situation, once he does, the king – who was told that the first child was stillborn – would seek revenge and trick someone else into killing his wife. The whole quest is about figuring out that the king was behind all of that all along, which would result in the heir – well, an avatar of greed - ascending the throne. - but like I said, thanks to the knowledge, the avatar of greed would want to find the half-brother that he never met – which would, in turn, activate the Wrath quest."

The crimson-haired girl stopped talking since she noticed Zombie started massaging his forehead with an annoyed expression.

"Should I continue the explanation about the Wrath guest...?"

She asked curiously.

" I do wish to wonder how in all of that Monty would be the one who might die in the Greed quest though."

The blue undead breathed out and asked in a tired voice.

"Oh... – simple, actually – Monty will be the one to get tricked into killing the queen – since it\'s possible to complete the quest after punishing the perpetrator, the bug in the original game makes it possible to complete the quest just by killing the killer without ever learning who the mastermind was."

Kopia flinched and answered, getting visibly worried.

"...and since this world is an exact copy of the game – the bug got in here too..."


Zombie groaned and the crimson-haired girl nodded her head vigorously in confirmation.

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