The King of Special Warfare

Chapter 232 - Day Six · Dijiang

Chapter 232 Day Six · Dijiang

Blazing fire.

Scarlet red light.

The killing intent all over the sky.

The Sky Halberd stuck up to the sky, and the slightly worn spearhead almost disappeared in the night. Two fancy and complicated red spear blades cut through the night sky and became the most dazzling color.

The raging fire lit up in the void where the two beams of scarlet red went through. It was shapeless fire, but it became something solid when it burned. The raging fire flew and gathered high in the sky. The flames and sparkles gathered together and went up and down.

The fire turned into water.

It ran and surged in the void like a river, like lava, like a sea of fire, also like a flood.

The fire spread in a straight line like lava. Where it passed by, the mountain forest instantly turned into dust, and the grassland turned into a desert.

The most blazing fire turned into the softest liquid. There was no doubt that this was the extreme of the Fire-flaming Realm.

Yuekong rushed through the big lava river above.

The dazzling, abnormal red light cut heaven and earth in halves in the fire waves. With irresistible strength and killing intent, it killed everything it touched!

The river surging in the void suddenly broke out.

Bits of blue started to appear in the blazing fire waves, like fire, also like thunder.

The Sky Halberd stretched out completely. The sharp sound spread from up to down and seemed about to chop up space.

Yuekong suddenly disappeared.

There were only a few drops of lava dripping down from his white robe.

The unique technique of Wuji Palace.

Dark Ambush!

The brutal chop fell on an empty place.

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows, and the intense killing intent suddenly rose up to the sky. The killing intent was hovering above the river, wave after wave, increasing in numbers quickly.

The sharp edge spread around the whole space, stirring everything up.

Like the shadow of a halberd, like sword light, like saber radiance.

Li Tianlan disappeared in the boundless sharpness. He took a step and crossed dozens of meters.

The sound of the blade cutting through air rang out.

The two-meter-long Sky Halberd shook violently. Li Tianlan stood high in the air, with his limbs completely stretched out. The big silver halberd painted a natural arc in the sky like thunder.


Wind and Thunder Veins tightened in his body. The extreme strength and speed intertwined perfectly and crashed into the saber radiance that suddenly appeared in the void.

A loud sound of gold and iron crashing into each other suddenly rang out in the dark. The powerful strength intertwined together. The void instantly spread into a visible air wave. Space was falling apart, and the fire in the air suddenly exploded. Infinite lightning and flames fell down from the sky.

Yuekong’s furious roar suddenly became high.

At the moment when the two of them couldn’t help but take a step back, he held the long saber in his hands and lifted it above his head.

It was just a moment.

The long saber in Yuekong’s hand chopped down in the air.

A flash of blue saber light that was ten feet long directly hit Li Tianlan.

The blue light intertwined together and made a crackling sound in the air. That was a flash of saber light, but it was more like a thunderbolt!

After this saber strike, Yuekong sped up a little bit. He held the long saber that was more than a meter long tightly. There was a layer of weird green light on the bright blade apart from the thunderbolt.

Tianhai Wuji, the Master of Wuji Palace, was one of the most powerful superiors of the Invincible Realm in East Island.

Tianhai Wuji came from Jifeng Sword-reining School, the oldest Martial Arts superpower in East Island.

Jifeng Sword-reining School focused on kendo. Their sword skills were considered to be one of the sharpest, wildest sword skills in the Dark World.

The Martial Arts of Jifeng Sword-reining School focused on the sword and consistency. Even if they reached the Invincible Realm, they would still focus on the sword rather than the domain.

As a superior of the Invincible Realm, if one didn’t have his or her own domain, then one had to break through the domain, or else he or she wouldn’t dare to call themselves a superior of the Invincible Realm.

The ultimate stage of Martial Arts in Jifeng Sword-reining School was breaking the domain. I had a sword, then I could make the world kneel before me even in the invincible domain.

This was another method different from becoming the domain by oneself in the Invincible Realm. The Wang family of Beihai and Xuanyuantai were both very familiar with this method, and they were even better at it than Jifeng Sword-reining School.

Tianhai Wuji founded Wuji Palace by himself, but his theory of Martial Arts didn’t change.

He changed the sword into the saber but still didn’t have a domain.

He was also on the road of breaking the domain.

So Wuji Palace had the current unique technique and the Mountains Fall and the Earth Splits move that Yuekong was using!

Mountains Fall and the Earth Splits!

This was the most powerful unique technique in Wuji Palace. To some extent, this extreme technique was the perfect combination of strength, speed, and willpower.

The key to this unique exertion method was the consistent breakout. The strikes must be initiated quickly and consistently; fastest, most fierce, most rapid, with the most power!

The moment the green saber light lit up in the sky, Yuekong’s figure suddenly flashed through.

That blue thunderbolt saber light was still moving forward.

But Yuekong’s figure was already moving along with the saber light.

The person and saber light.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Li Tianlan.

Or he appeared in front of the Sky Halberd.

He howled and spun.

Li Tianlan’s face remained the same, and just his calm and deep eyes reflected the bright saber light.

The heavy, sharp Sky Halberd suddenly rotated in his hands.

He stuck the halberd straight to him.

He still didn’t use any unique technique.

He was forgetting.

He was forgetting!

A simple straight thrust, an extreme straight thrust.

No one could exactly explain Li Tianlan’s current state.

That was a kind of indescribable great momentum and confidence.

He just stood there, invincible.

Those who had no enemy were invincible.

He was unbreakable and was able to break everything.

He was flawless, grand and perfect, like the light in the darkness, like darkness in the dawn, unique and everywhere.

The Sky Halberd pierced through the blue saber light in the hasty vibration, and the thunderbolt suddenly exploded under the scouring of the liquid fire.

The bright light and shadow rushed past Li Tianlan and Yuekong with sharp edges.

The light and shadow looked messy.

Human Emperor and the long saber crashed into each other.

The green light and the blue light intertwined together. Li Tianlan suddenly became completely frantic!

There was no unique technique, just the most direct, aggressive attack.

Human Emperor was less than three meters long, but at that moment, it seemed to reach the sky. The silver halberd whistled like crazy in the air, and the silver halberd made countless shadows in the air.

The shadows gathered into one then spread around again.

They repeated again and again.

The loud sounds sounded in the sky again and again like thunder.

The long river of fire in the sky was already boiling, and the fire waves were everywhere in the sky, reaching higher and higher.

Li Tianlan and Yuekong were falling down.

They kept falling.

The two of them fought from the sky to the ground. The big silver halberd was waving madly, and the silver shadows appeared in all directions. In the silver light, the green light got brighter and brighter.

They didn’t retreat!

Whether Li Tianlan or Yuekong, both of them were fighting in their full strength. They didn’t care about anything else!


The mountain forest turned into a desert.

At the moment they landed on the ground, the sand in the desert jumped up in the air. The boiling river of fire already lost control during the intense fight, and the whole river was crushed apart suddenly.

In the night sky, it started to rain heavily in the desert.

Rain of Fire!

The boiling lava fell down from the sky without scruple, falling straight down continuously and densely.

This kind of liquid fire that was gathered by human power was unprecedented. Even Feiyu and Qingshan, two superiors of the Thunder-shocking Realm who were about to attack at any time, would act with confusion, let alone ordinary elites.

The fire rain lit up the whole sky, and the raindrops were densely packed.

The few elites left in the No. 6 theatre of operations were screaming and struggling in the fire rain, sad and desperate.

Yuekong still hadn’t given up.

When the fight got here, he felt shocked and scared inside, but mostly he felt that he needed to stick at it.

Li Tianlan was very powerful.

In this state, he was incomprehensibly powerful.

The young Heavenly Son, who had Wind and Thunder Veins and top-notch legacy, was indeed very scary, but in fact, Li Tianlan was only in the Half-step Fire-flaming Realm. He looked like he had taken some drug to forcefully improve himself to the Half-step Thunder-shocking Realm. But the power brought by drugs could never compare to self-promotion. There was a huge gap between the two situations.

Yuekong was a superior of the Half-step Invincible Realm himself. Right now he felt repressed by Li Tianlan in this state. This was incredible, and it made him scared and confused.

If Li Tianlan actually entered the Half-step Thunder-shocking Realm, how scary would that be?

The invincible one below the Invincible Realm?

The saber light slowed down, and the green light faded away.

The pain started to spread from his hands to his chest, then to the limbs.

At the moment he couldn’t catch his breath, Yuekong put on a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

Mountains Fall and the Earth Splits.

This unique technique was extremely aggressive, and it had fierce killing power and exertion method. Yuekong was a superior of the Half-step Invincible Realm, but he could only hold the exertion for less than half a minute. If he held it more than half a minute, it was not that he couldn’t keep the state, but his killing power would drop and his body would get harmed.

Although he gradually lost his strength, how good could Li Tianlan’s state be?

After two whole days’ killing, the No. 6 theatre of operations was almost wiped out because of him. Li Tianlan looked tough, but in fact, he was already injured seriously. He might fall down next second.

Yuekong had every reason to stick at it.

He already had no way out.

He had paid such a heavy price, and what would happen to him was pretty obvious. If he couldn’t beat Li Tianlan, he would die, and he had to die.

On the contrary, if he caught Li Tianlan, it would barely balance the loss in the No. 6 theatre of operations. In that way, he wouldn’t get credit for contribution, nor got punished for anything.

So... he needed to catch him, whatever it took!

Yuekong slowly put away his smile. His lips and teeth moved slightly.

He chewed on a capsule that was hidden in his mouth.

Some liquid flew down his throat with burning power and reached his stomach.

It tasted sweet.

He thought to himself that it was like the sake Palace Master brewed.

Yuekong suddenly wanted to thank the Wang family of Beihai.

For the whole East Island, the Wang family of Beihai was like a nightmare, because the Wang family of Beihai took a piece of land that belonged to East Island.

That was like a thorn. In hundreds of years, generations of Mikados couldn’t die in peace because of this.

The big island with eighty thousand square kilometers that the Royalty took for hundreds of years, originally belonged to East Island. Even the other part of Beihai Province belonged to East Island at some point in history.

In order to get the ownership of that land, East Island had negotiated with the Wang family of Beihai for so many times over the past hundreds of years. And in different times, the results they got were different.

Most of the time they only got humiliated.

But in some special times, they got some compensation.

Those compensations were like trash to the Wang family of Beihai, but they were very valuable for East Island.

Like the formula of some genetic drugs.

What Yuekong was using right now was one of the transaction outcomes between East Island and the Wang family of Beihai in recent years. The code name of the drug was ‘Break Out’. He didn’t know what version was this, but the effect was obvious. It could stimulate human potential to the utmost extent and enabled the user to resume the peak combat capability temporarily.

The sequela looked kinda bad, but right now was not the time to worry about that.

The juice was sweet, but it burned his stomach.

The silver Human Emperor seemed to lock the heaven and earth. Every strike had suffocating power in it.

It swept, chopped, stabbed, rotated, hooked, rolled and strangled.

Li Tianlan held the halberd and stirred the wind in the sky!

He used every formation of the Sky Halberd perfectly. Right now he didn’t have a unique technique, but his every move were all unique techniques.

Intense attack!

Snatch attack.

Mad attack!

The silver light was shining violently. It looked like there were no rules, but every time the silver light flashed, the full, intense combat willpower could be felt.

That was the true willpower of the Invincible Realm.

A born War God!

When the saber light that slowed down shone again, Yuekong came up with an idea.

The green light suddenly lit up the whole desert.

Yellow sand, fire, and silver light, all suddenly disappeared.

The green and blue lights completely covered everything up.

In the green light, that silver light still flew and danced with the scarlet red halberd blades.


Li Tianlan moved forward.

He didn’t care about anything else!

The green saber light turned into shadows all over the sky and fell on the Sky Halberd strike after strike at high speed, as if mountains were toppling and seas were overturning.

Li Tianlan was shaking, but he still moved forward.

Human Emperor stabbed forward. His pace was not too fast or too slow, but no one and nothing could stop him from moving forward.

He broke everything in his path!

He was determined, calm, and fearless.

Yuekong let out a cold laugh, suddenly put away the saber light all over the sky, and disappeared in the void.

Only the sounds of saber cutting through the void could be heard.

The saber light disappeared, and the Human Emperor stabbed forward almost in silence. The bright firelight lit up Li Tianlan’s face.

He pressed his lips tightly, and his face looked pale as a dead man.

But Human Emperor was still very determined.

The stabbing became sweeping.

All the air nearby suddenly started to twist.

The Sky Halberd swept through the void, and the vast, great sword intent spread out to all directions madly.

The sword intent flew a hundred meters.

The sand was flying around, the blood was splashing, and the Sword Energy went past the mountain forest from the desert. A lot of giant trees moved and finally exploded into pieces.

The green saber light appeared right after the Sword Energy swept through. It instantly got in front of Li Tianlan.

That speed... was like... a flash...

Li Tianlan’s figure also flashed past.

The Shadow Formula.

Switched the place.

Switched the place.

Switched the place!

Li Tianlan’s figures disappeared for three times, and the Sky Halberd in his hands was shining with silver flowing light. Yuekong felt dizzy for a second, but Li Tianlan already stood in front of him.

They were less than one meter away from each other!

The giant Sky Halberd disappeared from his hands.

Li Tianlan still had silver light in his hand.

A silver dagger?

Human Emperor Dagger!

The dagger form of Human Emperor.

The silver light shone slightly. Yuekong saw Li Tianlan’s eyes.

That pair of emotionless eyes.

He suddenly felt cold inside and numb on his scalp.

For an offensive figure with weaker defense skill like Li Tianlan, once he used a dagger, he would launch an earth-shattering attack with full force!

Yuekong didn’t even think about it. He just straightened his body and ran away at full speed.

The silver dagger was lifted up in silence.

It cut through the wind and air silently.

Yuekong seemed to have an illusion.

The blade light of the dagger was still behind him, but the blade had already reached his chest.

Yuekong had taken a step back in advance.

The blade ripped the skin on his chest, and blood burst out.

The blade chopped back.

Yuekong twisted his body with his full strength.

The sharp dagger stabbed into his shoulder. As Li Tianlan casually moved his arm, Yuekong’s entire arm fell down along with the long saber with countless wounds on it in his hand.

Yuekong’s face twisted in an extreme way, but he couldn’t scream, or didn’t have time to scream.


He turned around and ran without hesitation.

But the distance between them was too close.

He ran and opened a little distance, but his speed couldn’t beat the speed of Human Emperor.

The exquisite dagger instantly stretched out, and the two-meter-long Sky Halberd stabbed directly into Yuekong’s chest.

Blood burst out from his shoulder and chest.

Yuekong opened his eyes wide subconsciously, reached his hands, and held the body of the Sky Halberd tightly.

The blade of the halberd had stabbed into his cheat. If it thrust in a little deeper, it would reach his heart.

Yuekong held the halberd tightly and opened his eyes wide. There were fear and also begging in his eyes.

He didn’t want to die.

But he must die.

Li Tianlan held the long halberd with one hand, stabbed forward, and moved forward.

He was getting faster and faster and pushing Yuekong’s whole body backward.

Li Tianlan’s eyes looked calm as before.

But the footprints on the desert were getting deeper and deeper.

Yuekong had to back up.

Moving forward became a sprint.

Li Tianlan held Human Emperor tight and went straight forward.

He rushed through the desert.

He went into the mountain forest.

Li Tianlan rushed all the way forward.

Human Emperor held against Yuekong’s body and crushed the trees one after another with his body.

The booming sound echoed in the forest.

Li Tianlan’s killing intent was determined, and Yuekong also never gave up.

They went from the forest to the No. 6 headquarter.

As they dashed forward, they drew a straight road that was a few kilometers long on the battlefield.

Yuekong was still holding Human Emperor tightly and tried to stop it from moving forward. But his eyes started to dim down.


Human Emperor held against Yuekong’s body and used it to crush the iron gate of the No. 6 headquarter, then crushed a rockery used for blindage.

They kept moving forward.

The two of them and the halberd crashed into an old bluestone house through its wall and crashed out of the house through another wall.

The stones were flying. The smoke and dust were everywhere.

Yuekong, whose bones in his whole body were all crushed, finally lost the strength to hold Human Emperor. In the dull sound, Human Emperor held against Yuekong’s body and stuck into a big bluestone behind the house.

Yuekong’s body hung in the air and was pinned on the bluestone.

Fresh blood streamed down.

Li Tianlan held Human Emperor tightly, but his hands kept shaking.


He spat out a mouthful of blood, and then blood mist burst out of his whole body.

Li Tianlan felt dizzy, and his pupils started to spread.

He heard light footsteps behind him.

The person stepped on the crushed ruins softly, but it didn’t seem like he was hiding himself.

Li Tianlan held the Human Emperor in his hands tightly.

He was supporting himself with it rather than holding it.

He turned around and straightened himself up.

Everything in front of him was getting blurry, and everything was spinning.

More than ten meters away, a human figure was standing there. He couldn’t tell if it was a man or a woman, tall or short. Everything was blurry.

He was looking at him, but he couldn’t see anything.

He was also looking at him, and there seemed to be a lot of uncertainty.

“Oh, Yuekong is dead.”

After a short silence, he took a look at Yuekong who was pinned on the bluestone and said softly in a calm, and even elegant tone.

Li Tianlan didn’t know what was he gonna do, but at least he knew the person was a man. And he sounded like a relatively young man. He nodded and answered blandly, “Yeah, he’s dead.”

“This person could be very useful to me, too bad he’s dead.”

The young man in front of him with a blurry face sounded bored.

Li Tianlan was trying his best to calm the overturning blood in him, and he didn’t say a word.

“Yuekong is dead now, but at least you’re alive.”

The young man seemed to laugh for a bit, then said in a serious tone, “I failed to catch Yuekong, how about you go back with me?”

“Go back?”

Li Tianlan asked.


The young man said, “You’re also very useful to me. According to the original plan, I’m not supposed to be here. But I don’t want to wait anymore. The sooner you die, the better.”

Li Tianlan raised his eyebrows, and his breathing was extremely weak, but he still looked carefree and arrogant with his eyebrows raised. “You are?”

“I’m Jiang Hongwei.”

The young man in front of him said while laughing, “My code name is Dijiang.”

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