ABO Cadets

Chapter Volume 2 47

After Marshal had asked that question, it did not only affect Caesar who instantly became as stiff as a corpse where he stood, but also Lin Yuan who had a sudden chill go down his spine!

— We\'re so screwed, the mark was unexpectedly discovered by the Marshal!

The teeth indents situated on the nape of his neck was the mark left by Caesar in order to suppress the fluctuation of the pheromones in his body when he was facing the onset of estrus a few days ago. From a distance, it may have not been clear enough, but in such close proximity, it would be unmistakably clear!

In the past few days, Lin Yuan has been continuously covering up the mark by wearing high-collared clothes and as well as pasting bio-adhesives onto the marked area. This kind of medical adhesive plaster looks transparent and will slowly adjust to the appearance of the surrounding the skin after being pasted to the area of the wound. It completely conceals any mark.

He got out of bed late today and he took both a shower and a bath before going out. Because he was too excited to see the mysterious master, Lin Yuan was careless for a moment and had forgotten it.

As a result, it was discovered by the Marshal on the spot......

Lin Yuan stiffly stood in place, he didn\'t know what to do.

—Has his identity of an Omega been exposed to the Marshal?

—As the highest commander in the military, in the face of such an Omega that is blatantly violating the military regulations, will he go outside the law to show him a bit of favor by not judging him too harshly?

Lin Yuan apprehensively opened his mouth to speak: "Marshal, I......"

"I left this mark." Caesar softly said, cutting off Lin Yuan\'s words. He stepped forward and reached out his hand to grasp Lin Yuan\'s shoulder, he defended Lin Yuan without batting an eyelid and calmly greeted Rosen\'s gaze and said, "Marshal, since you found out, I am forced to also tell you the truth. Lin Yuan really is an Omega. He had been injecting inhibitors for years, but because of the inhibitor failing on the day before the competition, I temporarily marked him in order to suppress the pheromones in his body."

Lin Yuan: "......"

Caesar said it so directly, it makes Lin Yuan hang his head even more uneasily.

Rosen looked at the boy with head drooping down and his fingers clenched, he couldn\'t help but feel a slight ache from the depths of his heart —

This child is actually an Omega? How did he escape registering under the Omega Association? How did he covertly study at the St. Romia Military Academy? There has been a previous instance such as Ling Yu who was punished, is he so fearless about being discovered by someone that he doesn\'t see living as good as being dead.

Rosen frowned slightly, looking at Lin Yuan with deep gaze he said: "Lin Yuan since you are an Omega, why did you still attend the military academy\'s entrance exam? Don\'t you know how severe the consequences of joining the military as an Omega are?!"

Hearing the Marshal questioning him with such a stern voice, Lin Yuan\'s complexion abruptly flashed white.

Caesar hurriedly comforted him by tightening his grip on Lin Yuan\'s shoulder and looked up at Rosen as he said: "Marshal, you mustn\'t blame him for this matter, he has also just barely become aware of the truth. Through these past years, he had always thought that he was a Beta......" Caesar took a moment to pause, "Lin Yuan is an orphan left behind on a battlefield. He was not registered with the Omega Association when he was born. Later, he was raised as a Beta by his foster parents......"

Perhaps Caesar\'s action of gripping his shoulder had given Lin Yuan a trace of courage. Lin Yuan finally took a deep breath and raised his eyes to meet the gaze of the Marshal who he had revered the most ever since he was a child. He said calmly: "Marshal, I did not deliberately violate any military regulations. Ever since I was young, I always wanted to be a soldier, so I went behind my family\'s back and in the end, I went to the entrance exam to attend St. Romia Military Academy. I really didn\'t expect to be an Omega."

Lin Yuan paused for a moment before abruptly changing his tone, he calmly and steadily said: "Since you know the truth, just punish me according to the military regulations then! But, just because I am Omega, I will never accept being expelled from the military registry or being shoved into a prison, even if those are the regulations of the Military!"

— Inside the youth\'s clear eyes, they are filled with unyielding defiance with no chance of surrendering.

In a trance, Rosen suddenly recalled the scene when Ling Yu left the military tribunal many years ago. Even though Ling Yu did not say a word, he, however, stood tall with his back straight, his indifferent gaze, his smile lifted in a taunt, and everything on his expression indicating...... he did not surrender!

Both are Omegas, both have the same black hair that looked as if it were ink, both had the same clear and bright light shining in their eyes, and both when faced with something going against their beliefs also have the same unyielding temperament!

Rosen\'s heart suddenly trembled and there was a crazy idea that was practically on the verge of spilling out -

The youth in front of him was too much like Ling Yu...... It was simply like he was Ling Yu\'s own child.

If Ling Yu gave birth to an Omega son, his temperament should be exactly like this.

That child would surely be just like Ling Yu. They would not want to be locked up at home to bear and raise children, but would rather want to stubbornly go live the life they want. They would never resign themselves to being a canary confined in a cage to bear children. They wish to imagine themselves flying like an eagle towards the free and vast blue sky!

Looking face to face towards this youth, Rosen even had the illusion of seeing Ling Yu back when he was younger.

He didn\'t know how long he had been staring at his face, but Rosen took a deep breath and looked towards Caesar and said: "How many people know about Lin Yuan being an Omega?"

Caesar hurriedly replied: "Lin Yuan\'s foster mother, the doctor who has been taking care of him from an early age, my Father, my Mother, my big Brother, plus myself and Lin Yuan. There are currently seven people who know this secret."

Rosen nodded then said: "I am the eighth. Do a good job of maintaining secrecy, don\'t let there be another ninth person!"

Lin Yuan widened his eyes in astonishment and incredulously looked up at Rosen: "Marshal...... You-you\'re not going to punish me?"

Rosen smiled and said: "I not only won\'t be punishing you, but I will instead appreciate you very much. You...... are very much like an old friend of mine." Rosen paused and continued on, "After graduation, if you are interested, when you are filling out your aspiration form, you can fill in the Glory Legion. I want you to come over to my First Guard Battalion."

Lin Yuan suddenly froze in place.

Just now his mind was stretched taut, he had thought for sure that the Marshal who was cold and indifferent, as well as extremely hard-lined and principled would arrest himself directly according to the military regulations! Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the Marshal actually joined the friendly faction, not only concealing the truth on his behalf, but he even invited him to the Glory Legion?

The Glory Legion!

Ever since he was a child, his favorite and most desired legion was the Glory Legion!

This happiness really came out too unexpectedly......

At long last, Caesar was able to loosen up his facial expression. Even though he had already anticipated such an outcome, there was certainly a sense of oppression just then in which his heart practically stopped beating from the tension when the truth was said aloud. The reason why he dared to tell Rosen these truths, apart from Rosen\'s individuality not stubbornly adhering to old ideas as much as the other generalissimos in the Military, there was still an additional reason...... It was none other than Ling Yu.

Caesar still remembers the scene when he went to the Marshal\'s home as a child and caught sight of the tombstone......

General Ling Yu was Rosen\'s most beloved person and it was also because of his identity as an Omega that he was punished by the Military......

Confronted with Lin Yuan\'s situation being exceedingly similar to Ling Yu\'s in his youth, Rosen never would have had the heart to hand him over to the court-martial.

Sure enough, it was just as Caesar expected, Rosen did not punish Lin Yuan even after finding out the truth, instead, he wanted to protect him.

Seeing Lin Yuan\'s expression become dumbfounded in a flash, Rosen couldn\'t help but smile and say: "What? You don\'t like the Glory Legion?"

Lin Yuan hurriedly said: "That\'s not it! I-I-I......" Lin Yuan was too excited to speak properly, awkwardly scratching his head, turning towards the Marshal with a red face, he saluted him following proper military etiquette, his voice trembled as he said: "I\'ll obey your orders! Marshal!"

Looking at the excited blush on his face, Rosen could not help but slightly raise the corners of his lips: "Then I will leave a place open for you in the First Guard Battalion, awaiting upon your graduation."

Lin Yuan immediately stood upright: "Thank you, Marshal! I will bring you the best possible achievements when I see you!"

Rosen nodded with satisfaction, "Okay, go back you two, I have to take my leave first until next time we gather. "


Caesar and Lin Yuan pilot White Feather to return to the hotel.

After following the two departing figures with his eyes, Rosen withdrew his smile and his eyes gradually deepened.

Although he did not ask too many questions just now, he certainly had quite a lot of doubts about this boy at hand.

Being able to escape the Omega Association\'s registration is absolutely impossible for a simple battlefield orphan!

Only the combination of an Alpha and Omega will give birth to such a pure-blooded Omega descendant. Although there were many Alphas among the soldiers who were sent by the Emperor\'s XX Department to the frontline battlefield. It would still be impossible for their Omega partners to follow their husbands onto the battlefield! Even if the child was born, it would also be impossible for it to be born on the battlefield!

During pregnancy, the Omega will stringently be looked after by the government. The child would also be born safely in the hospital. According to the standards of the hospital, following the birth of the child, they will conduct genetic sequence testing to find if any Omega genes had been inherited and then are immediately registered into the Association!

Lin Yuan was able to escape the registration of the Omega Association, it is impossible for this to have happened by chance, rather someone did it deliberately!

Obviously, some people wanted Lin Yuan to grow up as a Beta.

— Who could it have been?

Could it have been the organization where Ling Yu was in back in those years, had it not been completely cleaned up by the Military?

Thinking of this, Rosen couldn\'t help but wrinkle his brows slightly.

In those days, Ling Yu also escaped the registration of the Omega Association under the deliberate concealment of his parents. Growing up as a Beta, he was then fully admitted to the St. Romia Military Academy and later became the youngest Major General of the Empire.

If it weren\'t for his inhibitors sudden failure, it would have been impossible for anyone to find out that he was an Omega......

After Ling Yu\'s identity was exposed, the Military Department indignantly followed the vine to get the melon to find the secret organization studying Omega inhibitors and they caught each member in a net with one fell swoop!

— That organization is called "Undercurrent" and takes the meaning of "going against the current from place to place."

The members of the organization are all Omegas and there is no lack of some talented medical scientists!

Could there have been someone from the organization that escaped the Military\'s arrest? Continuing on to study inhibitors under the radar?

If not......

With Lin Yuan, a child who grew up in a commoner household, where did his inhibitor come from?!

The more he thinks about it, the more uneasy he becomes, the strange irritability in his heart makes the man who had always previously been cool-headed and had a tight grasp of himself wrinkle his brows exceedingly tighter.

Finally, the man took a deep breath and stood up from his seat, he picked up his communication device, and immediately connected to the command room of the Glory Legion\'s commanding mothership through the highest-access channel requiring fingerprint and retina scan verification.

At this moment, Lieutenant General Victor in the command room just recently patrolled the entire legion. After receiving the communication request from the Marshal, he immediately fell into a proper upright stance and gave a standard military ceremony to Rosen, "Marshal!"

Rosen nodded and said: "Victor, I\'m leaving it up to you to temporarily act as the head of the legion and command on my behalf, I have an important matter that requires me to take leave for three days, and I will come back before the military parade. Don\'t let anyone know that I left the capital star! "

Victor immediately saluted: "Understood! Marshal! "

This Lieutenant General Victor has served in the Glory Legion for nearly a decade, from a small-time soldier in the First Guard Battalion, he slowly rose to the rank of lieutenant general, the vice-commander of the Glory Legion. It can be said that Rosen personally groomed him as a trusted aide, he was loyal and devoted towards Rosen. After Ling Yu\'s incident occurred, Rosen already suspected that the Glory Legion had a mole inside, so he fostered another round of subordinates to be completely loyal to himself.

Rosen is completely at ease towards this calm and cool-headed subordinate of his. After he finished his briefing, he immediately walked out of the Firefly Restaurant.

The night sky of the capital star is vast and full of stars, at 11 o\'clock in the evening, it should have already been time to rest.

But Rosen didn\'t feel any inkling of exhaustion. The crazy speculation about Lin Yuan\'s life in his mind made him practically unable to sit or stand still!

Rosen no longer hesitated to summon Black Dragon, having Black Dragon turn into a suspension car, he drove off to the area of a vast and uninhabited region. Then, the S-Class mech directly shifted into the form of a gigantic black dragon under the master\'s command. Soaring and as well as rising up in the air, it dove headfirst into the vast cosmos!

Resembling a water-blue crystal, the presence of the capital star on the screen grew smaller and smaller. The purely white nebula and the small moon that twinkles with a shining white light rapidly retreat into the distance. The black dragon broke through the bindings of Sheffield\'s atmosphere within the period of a minute, flying straight out of Cepheus!

Rosen stationed himself in the cockpit and used his index finger to gently streak across the galaxy route map.

The virtual route map enlarged several times in front of him, each and every small celestial body was depicted in the simulation and flashed in different colors of light, Rosen decisively pointed his finger towards a remote corner of a galaxy located in the Cigar Galaxy, a pure white minor planet —

"Go to Planet Rennes, execute a space jump right away!"


Black Dragon immediately carried out it\'s master\'s command, the space in the universe was infinitely compressed, and the orbit between the galaxies was continuously drawn closer and closer......

The speed of an S-Class mech as compared to an ordinary warship is twice as fast, compared to those of large passenger ships, it would be even greater than ten times as fast. Black Dragon has made three consecutive space jumps according to the route map, flying to the Cigar Galaxy\'s Planet Rennes at the fastest possible speed—


At the wee hours of 12 a.m., the capital star\'s Royale Hotel.

Lin Yuan was lying on the bed, holding the dark red pendant in the palm of his hand. Since he couldn\'t sleep, he couldn\'t help but to once again start up a mental exchange with Suzaku. Suddenly he had a thought that having a voice speaking in his mind every day in the dead of night like this was an especially fascinating feeling, and it also made him feel particularly warm.

If one has a lot of things that they wouldn\'t dare say to another person, they can just talk to their mech......

Lin Yuan quietly spoke from the bottom of his heart: "Suzaku, today I actually saw the Marshal with my own eyes, he is better than what I imagined, I had thought for sure he would punish me......"

Suzaku said softly: "Not at all Master, Marshal is actually a very good person."

Lin Yuan excitedly nodded: "Yeah, when Dad was still the General of the Dark Night Legion, the Glory Legion frequently provided assistance to Dad, right? "

Suzaku replied: "That\'s right, that was back when they were still classmates in college, "

Lin Yuan spoke filled with joy: "Then they must have been very good friends I presume...... "

In Suzaku\'s memories last night, Lin Yuan had seen the shadow of Marshal Rosen and his mech Black Dragon a few times, in those days on the front line, his biological father, Major General Ling Yu and General Rosen from the Glory Legion were the best of partners. The Glory Legion had in many prior instances, given the Dark Night Legion emergency assistance in critical moments.

Only, Suzaku\'s memory was interrupted right at the moment when Dad\'s inhibitor failed and he was sent into estrus.

Lin Yuan had no choice but to watch as his Dad awakened Suzaku in that final moment, having Suzaku change the flight orientation of the Dark Night Legion\'s mothership, and then ordered Adjutant Knox to come in. After that, Dad was taken away by Adjutant Knox to a sealed escape hatch. Coming back to half a month later, Dad personally took all blame and bid Suzaku a final farewell.

Whatever happened in the past half of the month was blank in Suzaku\'s memory.

Where was Dad taken by Adjutant Knox or how was his estrus period solved? These are both things he has no way of knowing.

Lin Yuan is somewhat inquisitively asked: "Suzaku, who do you think is my Alpha father?"

He had just become aware of Ling Yu being his biological father last night. Due to the excessive amount of shock and sadness, Lin Yuan did not ask Suzaku about the matter of his other father. After everything had calmed down, he began to give it some thought. Since I was born, Dad must have been completely marked by an Alpha in those days. With Dad\'s prideful personality, who would have marked him?

Suzaku said softly: "Sorry, Master, this matter is also completely unknown to me. At the time when the Dark Night Legion made an emergency landing on Planet Rennes, Adjutant Knox had taken the General away, the General did not bring me along."

Dad was probably too proud...... He didn\'t want to let Suzaku, the one who had accompanied him for so many years, catch sight of his sorry appearance while in estrus.

Lin Yuan said with a smile: "It doesn\'t matter, I\'m just casually asking, that\'s all. Perhaps it was one of Dad\'s subordinates or comrade-in-arms then?"

Only Knox knows all this.

However, even though Lin Yuan desperately wanted to know the identity of his Alpha father, he did not dare to ask Instructor Knox. He cannot let any other people know that he is an Omega. It was even more impossible for Lin Yuan to even tell Knox to his face that he is the son of Ling Yu.

......that Alpha father, may have already passed away long ago then?

Lin Yuan wished to fall on the ground feeling a bit lost.


8 a.m. the next morning, Planet Rennes.

After eight hours of space travel and three consecutive space jumps, Black Dragon finally took Rosen from the distant capital star to this remote planet.

Planet Renne\'s weather is very cold and the snowfall all year round makes it all the more barren and desolate. The streets are cold and cheerless. Occasionally, some large-scale suspension cars pass through in the sky\'s orbit. The names of various mineral corporations are emblazoned on the cars. The original residents of this planet become fewer and fewer and the remainders are mostly soldiers from legions dispatched by the Military to extract minerals and as well as their families.

The majority of the soldiers who were dispatched to this desolate planet are Betas and on the entire Planet Rennes, Alphas and Omegas were rarely seen.

Rosen piloted Black Dragon to descend on Planet Rennes. Prior to descent, he had already transferred out Lin Yuan\'s details from the database of the St. Romia Military Academy through the highest channel of access. He knew the identity and background of Lin Yuan\'s foster mother.

In order not to attract attention, after Rosen landed on a vacant lot, he walked directly to the front door of Lin Yuan\'s childhood home.

Reaching out his hand to press the doorbell, a sweet-tempered woman arrives to open the door. After seeing Rosen, she was clearly stunned all of a sudden. She questionably asked: "Hello, may I ask you...... who are you looking for?"

Rosen spoke as gently as possible: " Are you Lin Yuan\'s mother?"

Mrs. Lin nodded her head and nervously said: "Xiao Yuan is my family...... Did something happen to him?"

Rosen smiled for a bit and said: "It\'s nothing, you don\'t need to be so nervous. Lin Yuan is very good. I am an instructor at his school. I was just passing by here and wanted to take a look inside his home while I was at it." Rosen said that he just casually took out the proof of identity that was sealed with a stamp that had just recently been printed out by his mech.

— This is an instructor\'s home visit?

Mrs. Lin suddenly felt extremely flattered and hurriedly opened the door and said, "Please, why don\'t you come in."

Rosen entered the house and was immediately asked by Mrs. Lin to take a seat on the sofa.

Mrs. Lin turned around and went to pour water. Rosen without moving an inch or making a sound gave a look around the place Lin Yuan grew up in...... This household looks to be very poor, this kind of outdated residence with three bedrooms and two living rooms was already being quickly washed out nowadays. The living space had less than 80 square meters of room. With only three small rooms, all of which were bedrooms that didn\'t even come with a study. The various kinds of installations around the house also seem to be quite old-fashioned and the robots that sweep the floor inside the house are all models that had been discontinued a few years ago.

Did Lin Yuan really grow up in such an environment?

Rosen inexplicably felt somewhat distressed.

Just then, a delicate and pretty young girl abruptly exited the kitchen. The girl had bound her hair in a simple ponytail on her head, it gave the impression of being very energetic. When she saw Rosen, she was startled for a bit and then asked in the direction of the dining room: "Mom, do we have a guest over?"

Ms. Lin hurriedly said: "We do, this person is a military instructor from your younger brother\'s school, he was just passing through our planet and decided it would be convenient to take a look inside the house. "

Lin Yao looked somewhat unconvincingly at the man on the sofa.

......compared to the online photos, doesn\'t he seem to resemble the Marshal a bit, ah? But not so much wearing casual clothing?

How could the Marshal come here, it\'s probably just a slight resemblance, right?

Lin Yao no longer thinks about it too much, she walked over and smiled as she said: "Hello Instructor, my younger brother will be depending on your care!"

Rosen said: "You are Lin Yuan\'s older sister Lin Yao?"

Lin Yao nodded.

Rosen said: "Your younger brother is very good in school."

Lin Yao proudly said: "My younger brother has been very obedient and sensible ever since he was a child. He has always been ranked first in the exams for his entire life!"

Mrs. Lin poured water and politely passed it over to Rosen\'s hand even while simultaneously glaring at her own daughter: "Don\'t talk about any nonsensical things!"

Lin Yao laughed and said: "Where is there nonsense? My younger brother has always been in first place. His room is full of the trophies he has received all his life."

A cheerful and lively older sister and a gentle mother with a soft personality but was born sickly.

As a whole, they do not appear to have anything to do with the Undercurrent Organization.

So, who gave Lin Yuan\'s inhibitors to him?

Thinking of this, Rosen soon said: "Right, I heard Lin Yuan say that he never had a father as a child. The doctor next door has always been looking after him. Lin Yao, can you take me to go take a look next door? I want to fully understand Lin Yuan\'s circumstances of his childhood."

Mrs. Lin touched her lips as if she wanted to say something but was hesitating. Lin Yao, who was not familiar with the situation, immediately smiled and said: "No problem!"

Rosen followed immediately after Lin Yao through the door and as soon as they went out, they just happened across the neighbor, Dr. Fornt, just as he was stepping out of the door and preparing to go to the hospital to work.

Lin Yao smiled and gave him a greeting: "Uncle Fornt, why are you going to work so early in the morning anyway, ah?"

Fornt heard the voice of the little girl next door, he smiled and turned his head back, seeing the man standing beside her, his smile suddenly stiffened on his face.

Rosen nodded without batting an eyelid and said, "Fornt, long time no see."

Fuente: "............"

Lin Yao looked at the two people somewhat skeptically, "Hey, do you know each other? This is a military instructor from Lin Yuan\'s school. He came to our house today for a visit since he was in the area. Oh, that\'s right, Uncle Fornt also used to be a soldier, wasn\'t that right.......

Fornt\'s expression was stiff and silent for a moment before he awkwardly said: "Cough, lo-long time no see......"

Rosen smiled for a bit and said: "Lin Yao, you should go home first. I\'m going to chat with this old comrade-in-arms of mine to reminisce about former times."

Lin Yao nodded, "Then, in that case, I\'ll head off to the cake shop okay! Instructor, if anything were to happen to Xiao Yuan in the future, you can directly call my communication device number!"

Lin Yao set aside her number to give to Rosen and then turned to walk over to the cake shop and open it up.

Rosen and Fornt looked at each other without exchanging a single word.

After a long time, Fornt said full of embarrassment: "Cough cough, Mar-marshal, how come you\'ve come here?"

Rosen said dully: "To take a look at Lin Yuan\'s house."

Fornt\'s face suddenly grew stiff as a corpse, " Li-lin Yuan? Are you familiar with that child?"

Rosen slightly smiled, "En, I met him face to face yesterday. I didn\'t expect the doctor who lived next door to his house would be you, it\'s really quite the coincidence."

"...... "The cold sweat on Fornt\'s forehead immediately flowed down.

Although he has not seen this man for many years, the kind of cold detachment and tough scent on his body hadn\'t changed. The longer he stays calm, the more terrifying he is.

Rosen insipidly asked: "Would you like to go to work?"

Fornt quickly said: "I have opened up a private hospital by myself. It doesn\'t matter if I don\'t go to work. Anyways, there are very few sick people who come and see the doctor every day......"

Rosen said: "That\'s perfect, just accompany me to roam around all over the place then."

"......" Fuente nearly bit off his own tongue.

Rosen walked aimlessly towards the direction of Lin Yuan\'s school and when he passed a street corner, he saw a group of mining companies

There was a man sitting under the pavilion at the entrance of the mining company. He held an e-reader in one hand and yawned with his other while reading the book. Fornt\'s forehead was dripping with cold sweat and he tried to give the man over there a meaningful look as if his life depended on it. Unfortunately, the man reading the book just happened to be rather sleepy at the moment. He was completely unaware of the movement across the street.

Rosen\'s gaze suddenly sank and he advanced towards the security guard\'s location, walking over in two or three steps.

The yawning man seemed to perceive a strong scent approaching, raising his head in confusion, he was suddenly frozen in place.

Rosen serenely gazed upon him and said: "Lieutenant Colonel Zhou Yi, long time no see."

The man hurriedly stood up from his stool and took a quick look at Fornt and only to find that Fornt was right in the middle of wiping away his cold sweat.

Zhou Yi touched his nose and awkwardly said, "Marshal, how come you\'re here? If I knew that you\'d be coming earlier, I would have prepared more of your favorite tequila to drink, it\'s nothing but cold weather and frozen ground here. Cough, why not come over to my house and have a chat about the old times?"

Rosen nodded and said: "Good, I also want to go take a look at your house."

Zhou Yi suddenly felt that this was simply digging his own grave.

The three of them staunchly walked all the way over to Zhou Yi\'s house.

A single man\'s home, a small apartment with two rooms and one living room. The rooms were full of disorderly clothing and other personal items piled in a hideous mess.

This man compared to how he was back in those years, was still just as lazy following his retirement.

Zhou Yi somewhat awkwardly said: "Cough cough, please take a seat Marshal, the house is in a bit of disorder."

Rosen sat down on the sofa, and then in a low voice said: "Zhou Yi, the Battalion Commander of the Dark Night Legion\'s First Guard Battalion, holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel; Fornt, the Captain of the Dark Night Legion\'s Subsidiary Military Medical Treatment Squadron, holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel." Rosen paused for a moment, his penetrating gaze slowly swept each of the two men\'s faces, "One lives next door to Lin Yuan\'s family and has conveniently looked after his health. One is on the only road to his school working as a security guard for a mining company and teaches him martial arts in passing...... The above-mentioned, these should not be coincidental right?"

Zhou Yi, who was ready to start pouring sweat, without further thought, resolutely stretches his back taut as he takes a quick look at Fornt face to face. They can\'t help but look at each other in dismay.

Rosen looked at them calmly: "Let\'s say then, apart from you two, which of your other former subordinates from the Dark Night Legion are on Planet Rennes?"

Both of them were completely silent.

This man tranquility watched them attentively, it was as if even the air was entirely frozen into ice.

The author has something to say: Many of the plots being combined in the serialization are not due to my negligence, rather I will immediately write and explain in the next chapter. I can\'t put everything in the same chapter or else the number of words will explode and drag the pacing. For example, the chapter with the exchange between Lin Yuan and Suzaku, if placed in the previous chapter, the number of written characters would burst to eight thousand and it would affect the mood and atmosphere of Lin Yuan finding out about his father, so I cut it out and put it in this chapter.

Believe in the author a little bit, the author\'s attitude while writing is very serious, each chapter is changed at least three times everywhere. Did you find that in writing, my typos in the text are really less stir-fried chicken : )

(TN: Extreme, extremely.)

If I really have a bug, I will change it later, but the present comments posted are not bugs. many of them are just foreshadowing that will be resolved in the text later~

(TN: These bugs are written in English.)

I don\'t want to make a comment to explain and go through each of the spoilers. The spoilers are too boring. Hold your horses everyone ha~~~

Look forward to seeing the father and son recognizing each other tomorrow!!

Merry Christmas!!!! 2k novel reading network

(TN: This chapter was long, I cry. The next chapter is even longer, I am digging myself a hole. Do not disturb! Also going from a terrible cliff hanger to a slightly less terrible cliff hanger is an improvement! Show some spirit!)

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