The Rise Of Calamity

Chapter 324 Chaos

I could see an enormous about of mana whirlpool in one direction before slowly generating a humanoid-like figure that stood tall, or at least that was what i could see through my divine eyes that were semi-blinded due to the amount of mana in the area.

[This will be interesting]

For some reason when I heard what Hela has said, I felt as if she would have had the biggest grin on her face at this moment in time as she looked at the humonid figure being constructed.

Of course, I did not know what it was, but it seemed like Hela knew, yet even then I chose not to ask because I knew that she would not answer my question directly.

When the mana in the area finally subsided, I could finally see what had been constructed out of the mana, and even though I knew it was going to look like a human, I had no idea that the resemblance would have been so similar.

\'Hela... Analysis\'


[Analysis Complete!]

[Name: ???

Gender: ???

Race: Fractoid (replica)

Age: ???

Power Level: ???

Title(S): None

Affinity: Space

Skills: Fractual Insignia (Lvl ???)

Status: Peak form, emotionless

Attractiveness: ??? ]

\'Those are a lot of fucking unkowns...\' I commented, yet all I heard back was a giggle from Hela as if what she was seeing was the funniest thing she had ever seen


Before I could go and attack the figure before me, I heard a voice speak into my head once again, making me pause for a split second that happened to be one of the biggest mistakes I could have made at this moment in time.

[The forty-ninth wave shall no commence.]

In an instant, the \'fractoid\' which basically looked like a human but instead of having red blood that would show as green nerves on the surface of the skin, the fractoid seemed to have some kind of electrical blue energy instead, making him look as if he had been possessed by electricity itself, had immediately lunged at me but not the way I had thought.

At the same time, I was left in a slight trance when seeing the fractoid for the first time, as the first thought that came to my mind was

\'Can I even call that thing a he? I mean, it doesn\'t even have a gender, right?\'

In the same instant that the thought had entered my mind, electrical circuit-like bolts of lightning began to expand out from the fractoid itself, as if the space around it was fracturing and breaking before it finally collapsed into itself and disappeared from the spot.

Simultaneously, I felt a cold tingle at the back of my neck while my clairvoyance had activated on its own, making me immediately duck without hesitation.

Feeling the cold and piercing winds hit the back of my nack, I spun around and threw a kick towards its face, yet when my foot had reached it, it had already disappeared.

\'Crap.\' I thought, but even that thought was a little too slow.


With a spring of my legs, I had appeared 10 meters away from my original destination.

At the same time, I watched as that same place I had once been standing on had exploded into smithereens and had left behind a small crater multiple times larger than me.

*Left arm*

A whisper entered my ears, yet at the same time, I felt as if the whisper had come from deep inside me. However, even though the voice felt weird and untrustworthy, I had listened to it and had immediately spun on my heel and moved my left arm from where it was

In the split second in which I had moved my arm, I watched as a web-like crack expanded out of thin air from where my arm once was.

After finally moving out of the way, I saw the same thing happen through my clairvoyance, but instead of me moving out of the way, my arm had been enveloped and shattered by what seemed to be a spacial crack.\'He can beat my forsight?!\' I inwardly thought as panic also began to grow within me, yet instead of becoming more reckless, I had taken a deep breath in to calm down and had closed my eyes.

[Try attacking back]

\'What do you think I am doing? Playing with it?\' I asked in annoyance.

It was then that I felt the same feeling as before and had already moved out of the way to dodge the incoming attack.

However, instead of moving far, this time I took a step forward and spun on my heel before dealing a powerful blow on the chest of the fractoid.


Before I could even reach it, I watched it disappear from its location and appear somewhere else.

When it landed, I watched it clench its fist towards my location, giving me a split second to move, a time that I simply could not have reacted to fast enough.


A coursing pain shot through my arm and my right torso before cracks appeared all over both of them and they shattered into nothingness.


To my surprise, the parts that were shattered had almost instantly begun healing at an extraordinary rate, reminding me of something that I had hadn\'t used in a very very long time.

\'Oh shit... I can heal... I completely forgot!\'

With newfound vigor, I charge straight towards the fractoid that had teleported again, just like before, but instead of dodging this time I chose to take the hit right on, allowing the fractoid to impale me right through the chest allowing blood to begin gushing before stopping in the same instance due to the hand not leaving.

"Let\'s see how you survive this"

Instantly, the fractoid\'s eyes widened like saucers.

A scorching pain shot throughout its body, while blood shouted out almost every pore on its body.

"AHHHHHHHHH!" It roared at the top of its lungs, yet its painful screams of agony landed on deaf ears

For some reason at the same time, I felt like I had remembered something.

\'This feeling\'


\'This power...\'


*"burn it alive"*

*"Don\'t their screams sound so beautiful"*

*"Doesn\'t their anguish leave a good taste in your mouth"*

*"Beings like these dare call themselves divine beings?"*

*"Yet somehow we are considered to be on the same level as them?"*

*"Do you remember?"*

*"An eye for an eye"*

*"A tooth for a tooth"*

*"May we purge everything that does not bow to us"*

*"May their sins..."*

"Burn with them" I completed the sentence for \'them\'.

Suddenly, a strange desire began to grow within me.

It was hunger...

It was a lust...

It was an ideology...

Without skipping a beat, my eyes were enveloped in violet darkness while my flames became completely black.

[You have comprehended a small fraction of chaos]

[May chaos be with you]


The entire arena was instantly shrouded in a deep black flame.

The flame was powerful, it was like none other.

It had immediately burnt the fractoid into non-existence and had absorbed all its energy into its own before directing it to me, explaining the amount of mana I currently had beyond its limits.

At the same time, even though the wave had been completed, the flames did not stop ravaging the area, instead, they had independently decided to destroy and attack everything around me while swallowing everything that had a single speck of energy within it.

[You have com--- Error! Error! The destruction affinity had been detected...]

[Something beyond a destruction affinity has been detected]

[Must avoid destroying interface]

Without thinking about it, I instantly used breath of eternity and to my surprise, I felt all the flames immediately disappear before the energy they had gathered shoot towards my body and entered it as if I had an infinite mana pool.

\'What was that?!\' I panted

[You mixed heavenly flames with chaos and created hell\'s flames. You can use the chaos affinity for a bit because you had comprehended some of it even though I am not sure how you did so] Hela explained, yet for some reason, I felt as if she was more confused than myself.

Taking my attention away from Hela for now, I looked down at my hands and clenched them before opening them and repeating this a few times.

\'I feel so powerful.\' I thought to myself but quickly shook my head as to not get too over my head.


[System reboot has been canceled]

[Interface is now online]

[Taking the contestant to the fiftieth wave]

Hearing this, I immediately threw on all my armor that I had chosen not to use until now. I also chose to put all my accessories on as well just to make sure that I wouldn\'t die almost immediately to the next wave since it would have been bound to be more difficult than the one that I had just gone through.

At the same time, I found myself in a dark space, a place where I had been before entering this trial, meaning that it must have been the area we get put in before being teleported into another place in the temple.

Looking to my right, I found Scar looking at me weirdly, as if he could sense something on me but couldn\'t put his finger on it, yet I still chose to ignore him in the meantime

Finally, I stood up straight and took a deep breath in, and opened my eyes with a single thought in my mind that ravaged my entire body and consciousness as if it was a plague all on its own.

\'Kill... Everything...\'


If you liked this novel, check out my other novel!

Immortality System: The Rise Of The Last Human


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