My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 106 - Date The Secretary (3)

The cool morning breeze blew across the encompassing area of the zoo. The sun\'s soft rays fell from the skies and decorated their surroundings with a healthy amount of light.

Truth be told, Li Yang did not have much endearment for animals and neither did the zoo exactly provide him much entertainment. Perhaps he never got the appeal of watching something when he could be doing another thing entirely. 

However, both him and Ying Yue He strolled along the different spots in the zoo from the sleepy male lion yawning at its space to the beautiful peacock gathered around in a flock, their bright plumage catching the eyes of the many visitors.

"Only males get those bright and colorful feathers, you know?" Ying Yue He said. To her credit, she would at least speak one animal fact without even blinking an eye. 

The woman explained the difference between crocodiles and alligators and then even spoke of the hypothetical results of tigers vs lions.

"Most lions fight together and tigers tend to be more solitary cats so in that case, you can expect the tiger to get defeated in the end. But there\'s this incident at a circus where a group of tigers and lions fought one another—both did have survivors.. And there was a male tiger that protected a female lion?"

The CEO raised a brow but only half-smiled. "Did you look up all of these before our trip or were you always this knowledgeable?"

His remark made her blush.

"Perhaps? I mean I knew we were going here so I checked them out," Ying Yue He said.

"I do hope you weren\'t checking them during work hours, Miss He."

"—no!" She protested with a red face. She waved her hands at him and shook her head vehemently. "I would never, well I—"

"I was only joking," he chuckled. "Please don\'t get all worked up—I almost feel bad. There\'s no harm amusing yourself when it\'s not so busy at the office."

Her lips twisted together and she soon pouted. "You know… it\'s a little hard to tell when you\'re joking, Mister Li."


"Yes, really." Shs shook her head and then looked up at him. "Are you by any chance hungry, Mister Li? Did you eat breakfast on your way here?"

"No, but are you hungry now, Miss He?" Li Yang glanced around the zoo and focused on one of the bulletin maps scattered across the area. "I think there\'s a restaurant and a store around here? Some animal themed—"

"Let\'s take a seat over that bench."

She would practically drag him there and forced him to sit down. It was there that she zipped open her backpack and took out some containers, she opened one revealed apple slices and offered it to him. "Would you like to eat something light? I also packed some sandwiches—the restaurants here are a bit too pricey."

"Hmmm, I didn\'t know that."

"Those panda shaped creme brulee are just one way to get a hefty price tag on them, but if you\'d like to eat there—it\'s also fine."

"We can think about it later, thank you for packing up some snacks for us to eat." Before Li Yang could pick up an apple slice, she fussed him with some hand sanitizer. The CEO soon chewed the apple with some relish, the fresh flavor of the fruit coming into his mouth.

It also had a slightly sour taste…

"I squeezed some lemon juice in them, Mister Li," Ying Yue He said, perhaps taking note of the expression on his face. "It\'s to prevent them from browning or oxidizing due to air exposure… is it too sour?"

"No, it\'s fine," he reassured her. "I\'m honestly surprised you had time to prepare this."

"Ah, well if you\'re not that affluent I guess it becomes a little natural to try and find ways to save, Mister Li." Ying Yue He opened another container that had sandwiches. She offered him and he took one. "It\'s easier to save when you know you brought food and worked a bit on preparing them—it only took me ten to fifteen minutes tops."

"I see, that is convenient."

"Do you not do a lot of cooking, Mister Li?" she asked. "Although ah, it makes sense if you don\'t—"

"I do cook from time to time. It is a necessary skill… however I\'m not that good at it." Li Yang admitted and thought back on the incident with Taiga. She had enjoyed more of the fast food than his own food preparation.

Not that one could call a grilled sandwich as fine dining or exemplary cooking.

"It\'s not like we could master everything since we have—" Ying Yue He paused and then leaned towards him. She whispered underneath her breath. "Mister Li, if you become immortal, you\'d have all the time in the world to learn how to cook. Would that mean that the company is going to run for so long?"

Li Yang didn\'t try to think of the situation in his hands to that extent—but somehow his secretary was considering it already. "If that happens, I suppose I expect you to be around, Miss He." 

What kind of life would he be living if everyone he knew were already dead? That was a sobering thought. And yet that was the reality when one became an immortal cultivator was it not?

He hadn\'t thought that far.

[ You Have Gained 50 Charm Points ]

Li Yang leaned back against the bench and bit into another apple. "However, the way to such a thing is a tremendously tortuous path. Are you willing to go down along that path—"

"If it\'s with you—I mean, I\'m doing this to repay you, Mister Li. If it\'s a necessary thing then I will." Ying Yue He gave him a firm nod and then bit into her sandwich. "I mean most desire immortality anyway, fear of death and all of that. Have you seen all of the vampire movies and novels recently, Mister Li? One bite and then boom. Immortality."

"You don\'t have to do this just to repay me for the tea. I do feel like I have to remind you constantly of that, Miss He. It\'s a big decision. There are perks to cultivation but tribulations as well." 

"It\'d be a pretty lonely road if you go all by yourself."

"—guess someone doesn\'t know that you\'ll be accompanied by a harem." Bao said appearing out of nowhere and landing in her lap. It took a slice from one of the containers and swallowed it in one go, greedily. "Lonely my ass."

This creature both had impeccable and horrible timing, or perhaps it was just great at ruining the mood.

"I appreciate the concern, Miss He. But the same goes to you." He accepted the bottled water from her and took a sip. "Albeit it does seem like a far too serious conversation at this hour—would you like to go see the pandas now?"

[ You Have Gained 50 Charm Points ]

She smiled and then leaned back. "I actually don\'t mind just sitting here with you, Mister Li."

"Are you sure? I do have some things planned out as well." The CEO stood up and offered a hand. "We have other places to be after this zoo, Miss He."

She looked up to him in surprise. "Huh… more? Not just the concert?"


Author Note: A lot less sexual, but hopefully wholesome xD Different people, different stages

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