My CEO Harem Cultivation System

Chapter 240 - Divine Wish Drinks (4)

There weren\'t too many instances of various races and individuals from wildly different backgrounds that came about—most were happy and content to stay in their respective territories.

If there was some Unseelie Court stirring up trouble in the northern countries, then it was up to those in their area to protect them. Some evil cultivator trying to bring about the end of the world? It was locally handled by the sworn protectors around the area.

It happened once or twice that some groups visited to hunt down enemies—but all in all, most kept to themselves. Bo Lifen stared at what seemed to be some kind of large gaseous green spirit that was repairing the crater on the dance floor.

The term genie would be too inaccurate and even derogatory to say, it was a djinn working at this place. 

"I may have kind of done too much when I was landing from the fourth floor." Ning Bi admitted.

"You need to keep yourself in check." Bo Lifen clicked her tongue.. "I didn\'t know that you hung around places like this one."

"Hey, you were the one who told me that you wanted to have some fun—and this place is a great way to meet new people if you\'re hung up on someone."

"I never mentioned that I was hung up—"

"Of course you didn\'t, but you know how Bo Ling talks." Ning Bi shrugged. "On the bright side though, this place has some really great drinks. The owner really knows how to concoct fancy and wishful alcohol."

"I serve tea, I don\'t like alcohol." Bo Lifen crossed her arms. She was completely aware that it was a terrible way to argue with someone just around her brother\'s age, but she didn\'t care at all. In a way, she was already regretting that it was Ning Bi and not Daiyu or Suyin that she contacted for fun.

"You know you\'re being... " Ning Bi clicked her tongue but then stopped. She never stopped staring at Bo Lifen, but then said, "Look up."

Bo Lifen frowned, but eventually glanced up—and met Li Yang\'s gaze. Her eyes widened and she backed up slightly. "What the… someone like him hangs around places like this one?" 

"Oh, you two know each other?" Ning Bi asked and raised her brows. She finally glanced up and caught the sight of the older guy. "What a coincidence. And here you thought that there was something bad about coming here."

Bo Lifen scrunched up her face slightly, but the two of them had stared too much at each other to look away. She reluctantly raised her hand and waved at him slowly—despite her arm feeling like they suddenly weighed like a ton of bricks. "Hey."

"I don\'t think he can hear you." Ning Bi commented. "I\'m standing right in front of you and I could hardly hear that squeak."

Bo Lifen tossed a look at the younger woman and gave her a half-glare. "Fine, I\'m going up to say hi." 

"Can you jump up to the fourth level, old woman?" Ning Bi teased.

Bo Lifen clicked her tongue. "You still act like you\'re in grade school, spoiled brat." 

One moment, Li Yang decided to look around more around the bar and then the next second was Bo Lifen vaulting from one side of the wall to another—until she seized the ledge of Li Yang and company\'s balcony railings. 

Never much of a cultivator herself, she was still pretty damn good at keeping up. Bo Lifen heaved herself up and sat on the marble railings with an awkward smile. 

"Do you mind if I swing by?" she asked.

"Wait—there\'s another one?" The idol Bai Minghua glanced at Bo Lifen at the same time as a Tigress Spirit did… their argument coming to a screeching halt. 

Bo Lifen frowned at them. "What do you guys mean by another one?" She shook her head and then glanced at Li Yang. "I\'m just here to say hi and how\'s it going? Haven\'t seen you in awhile, I guess."

"I was kind of gone for a bit." Li Yang replied with a shrug, but then cleared his throat. It has been some time since they\'ve met and she looked more relaxed than when they first met. It was kind of nice to see that kind of change. "How are you, Miss Lifen?"

"Nothing much, same old, same old. I went out to go out with my friend… it\'s a thing I\'ve been doing lately." Bo Lifen smiled and then looked over to the ground floor. "But if it weren\'t for my grandmother asking about you—I wouldn\'t have guessed or noticed that you were gone." 

Li Yang took her words as it was and nodded. "Ah, I\'ll visit Grandma Lanfen then. Right as soon as I can."

"That\'s great, she misses you." Bo Lifen crossed her arms over her chest and let out a small smile. "As to why—I still don\'t know, but she\'d appreciate that. Now that\'s settled and I\'ve said my greetings, I\'ll leave you alone with your company." 

"Of course… enjoy your evening with your friend," Li Yang said. He watched her turn her back on him, angling herself for a drop.

Bo Lifen gave him one last look and a smile. "Yeah, to you as well. See you around."

She hopped off and returned to her friend.

Bo Lifen left Li Yang with two beautiful and wonderful women in their own right, but it wasn\'t inaccurate to say that she might have accidentally stolen the spotlight. That was what both women decided together. Taiga already chanting Tea Temptress in the back of her mind and just overall glad that nobody else decided to drop by.

The Tigress Spirit had absolutely no clue where Ying Yue He and... she didn\'t know what would have happened if she were here as well.

Li Yang cleared his throat and then glanced at Taiga and Narissa. "Have you guys stopped arguing?"

Narissa glanced at Taiga and shared a look. 

"Perhaps the two of us can come to our own truce," the Mermaid shrugged and tried to appear unaffected. If she were dressed a little more provocatively then the man\'s eyes wouldn\'t exactly have strayed too far away. She blamed the little spat of the tiger spirit that distracted her. "A more amicable arrangement since there are other more important things than in-fighting."

Taiga spoke up. "A temporary one though." 

"I suppose that\'s better than nothing," Li Yang smiled a bit, although he resisted the urge to scratch his head or just shake it. It was once again one of those times where a sudden arrangement occurred right behind his back. It was a tad puzzling, although he got the general scope of where their sudden truce came from. 

"You know it\'s not like we\'re going to kill each other or anything." Narissa crossed her arms. "We\'re not savages."

He knew that much. "It would be a little too difficult if the both of you were too hostile to one another, regardless. So thank you." 

"If Bossman wants me to get along with her... Taiga will tolerate her. It\'s not like we\'ll see her often if she\'s so busy with work anyway." Taiga smiled brightly. "The life of this idol thing must be so exhausting, so Taiga recommends you get ample rest whenever you can."

Narissa smiled back. "As long as I don\'t see your face when your \'boss\' and I meet up, that\'s perfectly fine. After all, it\'s not how much time you spend with a person, it\'s the quality of it."

"Is there something you\'re trying to imply?"

"There\'s no hidden meaning, it\'s obvious from what I said."

"Nu uh," Taiga immediately threw a look at Li Yang. "She\'s trying to be mean to me."

"Oh, I say something that offends you and you think I\'m being horrible?" Narissa raised a brow. "The nerve of this woman. Did you grow up in some kind of isolated forest? There\'s a lot more nuance to what I said."

"Alright, that\'s enough." Li Yang said.

Taiga stuck her tongue out.

"I really don\'t know what you see in her." Narissa threw a look at the former CEO. "Is it because she\'s like some sunshine in your life? The fire to your icy demeanor or something ridiculous like that?"

"That\'s because Taiga\'s probably better in bed than you," Taiga flicked her wrist.

"What did you just say?"


Author\'s Note: Hrm, pitting women against women. Sometimes, it\'s a societal thing—everyone kind of compares one another to each other and there\'s always competition. It can\'t be helped sometimes when it\'s become an unfortunate norm. There are circumstances and people who are unafraid to share, but yeah… maybe these women will get along down the line. Or not. We\'ll see. 

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