The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 8 - Magnus

"Swim lesson number one, never drown! Drowning causes death, Luci." Syryn\'s eyes narrowed into a smile that spelt trouble. "Lesson number 2," he flung Lucien into a shallow pool dug out by the flow of the river.

Tossing aside his clothing, Syryn dived in and pulled the flailing Lucien to his feet, not without some laughter at the expense of the indignant boy.

When they were done swimming and bathing, the duo headed to Maple Town to buy clothing for Lucien. After the expenditure of 2 crowns at a clothing shop, little Luci stood before Syryn wearing clean clothes and holding a bag full of new clothing.

"You look like a little prince."

His hair was washed and groomed till the strands gleamed like red silk under the sun. Lucien\'s dark lashes fanned across his cheek when he looked down to assess his new clothing. This had Syryn sighing for the heartbreaking beauty that the little boy\'s face would grow to become.

"Medicine boy." Syryn\'s internal woes were interrupted by a familiar voice.

Turning back, he saw who it was that had spoken to him. "Magnus, we meet again."

The taller boy had a magnetic charm that attracted the gazes of passers-by. He grinned at Syryn and leaned against the wall with all the care of a lazy feline. "Alka was distraught after you left."

"Regale me."

"The airhead forgot to get your name. So, what are you called?" Magnus drawled.


"And this little twerp next to you?" Magnus pulled out a cherry flavoured candy from the pocket of his robe and held it out to Lucien who looked up at Syryn for approval.

"This is my brother Lucien. He is unbelievably cute and obedient, do you want to buy him?" Syryn pushed Lucien forward.

Magnus crouched next to Lucien and appraised him from eye level and down. This resulted in the red-headed boy taking a step backwards and worriedly glancing up at his irresponsible self appointed elder brother.

"I don\'t know, he looks too scrawny to eat. We should maybe fatten him up a little."

"Big brother!" Lucien grabbed Syryn\'s sleeve and glared at Magnus. The handsome mage grinned like a Cheshire Cat and dropped the candy inside Lucien\'s pocket. "Just kidding. I only eat naughty children." He patted Lucien on the head and stood back up.

"Where did you get that kitten from?" Magnus eyed the kitten sitting inside Syryn\'s coat pocket with its head out. Milky was dozing off with his tiny pink paws hanging out. Magnus was afraid for the kitty accidentally tumbling out of the pocket if Syryn jostled it too much.

"Milky? I picked him up from a barn." Syryn replied.

"Milky? That\'s his name?" Magnus appeared stricken. "Never mind. I don\'t want to know anymore."

"Where\'s Alka?" Syryn asked with a chuckle at the look on his companion\'s face.

"Upstairs packing some essentials," Magnus replied and stuffed his hands into his pockets. "We\'re taking a trip into the forest since Alka is missing a few plants that we came here specifically for."

"Which ones?" Syryn asked while mentally cataloguing what he needed as well.

"Hmm let me see," Magnus replied, "Widow\'s lace, silver lungwurt and spectrebud."

Syryn frowned at hearing the list, "Silver lungwurt is almost always found alongside acidic soldier crabs. I hope you\'re carrying enough protection."

Magnus smirked indolently at that, "why would we need protection Syryn?"

It took a second for Syryn to realise that there was a double entendre in Magnus\' words. He wasn\'t about to be done in by a youngster this early. "Magnus, why don\'t you ask me that again when I turn 16? I\'ll be glad to demonstrate." He replied with a smile so innocent that it sent goosebumps down Magnus\' skin.

Properly startled, Magnus recovered quickly and laughed. "I take back what I said about eating naughty children."

"You\'ll get eaten if you aren\'t careful Magnus." Alka\'s voice joined them. He had on a satchel like Syryn\'s. Veiled humour danced in his eyes as he greeted them, "Syryn, it\'s a pleasure to meet you again. And hey there Lucien." The little boy let down his guard a smidgen and nodded at Alka.

"Likewise, fancy some company? I need some herbs myself. And I could use a free bodyguard as well." Syryn didn\'t really need one but with Lucien around, extra pairs of eyes would keep the magicless child safer. It wasn\'t like Lucien could be left to a babysitter either so Syryn\'s decision was made.

"I\'d love that." Alka\'s soft voice made it sound like Syryn was doing them a favour. "Magnus?" Alka turned to his friend.

"Sure. But my protection only stands so long as you don\'t stray off. Stick close to me." Magnus\' voice wavered slightly at the word that had embarrassed him. Syryn was grinning at Magnus who smothered a chuckle, and then he doubtfully asked, "You\'re sure you want to bring Lucien?"

"We\'re both orphans and unattached to any adult. I don\'t have a choice." Syryn replied without emotion. Magnus had the grace to appear ashen at the reply.

The group walked at a steady pace and Syryn piggybacked Lucien despite the boy\'s protests. Syryn wanted to make sure that Lucien received the full big brother experience so he wouldn\'t turn into a rotten demon lord. As they walked, Alka rattled off formulae after formulae for Magnus to memorise and Syryn sometimes interjected with additional information.

"Which school do you attend Syryn?" Alka curiously asked. "You\'re younger than I am and yet your knowledge far exceeds mine."

"I\'m actually a 100-year-old demon Lord."

"Ok" Alka replied politely, "Which school do you attend sir demon lord?"

"I\'ve never attended," Syryn replied while considering a new thought. Did Lucien want to attend school?

"What? Never?" Alka glanced at Syryn, awe apparent in his bright green eyes. It was the highest in volume that his voice had ever gotten since Syryn had met the teenager.

"I was mistaken then. You aren\'t just smart and talented, you\'re a budding genius." Alka generously complimented, and anyone could tell it was sincere. Syryn felt he was an old man pulling the wool over two naive kids. To his relief, Magnus halted their walk and closed his eyes to listen. The abnormality in the forest had caught Syryn\'s attention but he had maintained his silence on it to observe the reaction time of his companions. Syryn wasn\'t disappointed.

"I don\'t like it." The lackadaisical bearing of the tall mage was replaced by razor-sharp alertness. The current Magnus was like a weapon that had been pulled out of its deceptive sheath. Syryn detected a lethal edge in the aura of the mage and it was dangerous enough that it flared off Syryn\'s internal defences. At this stage of his youth, the aura that Magnus radiated was already refined to such an extent. His growth would be monstrous when Magnus came into mastering his sorcery. It left Syryn wondering as to why he had never heard of the teen before his rebirth.

"A silent forest can mean many things, none of which are conducive to our safety. Do we keep going?" Alka turned to his companion.

Magnus turned his dark eyes to Lucien and Syryn. "I cannot guarantee your safety without knowledge of what is ahead. I suggest we turn back."

"No, don\'t turn back on account of us. We aren\'t without protection." Syryn replied. He needed a special ingredient for a potion that was necessary for the process of fixing Lucien\'s core. There was no room for delay in his plans. Syryn had already tossed away the idea of a blood contract. He had come to realise that Lucien did not need further shackling, no, he deserved to be nurtured with care. Syryn\'s blood boiled with fervour at the thought of a well adjusted Lucien using his powers for good. He resolved to turn him into a model citizen of Sigil, temporarily forgetting about the fact that Lucien\'s half-demon blood would always keep pulling him into the darkness. Ultimately, it would be up to Lucien\'s strength to subdue his demonic heritage.

Magnus and Alka exchanged a worried glance but acceded to Syryn\'s words. Lucien was allowed to walk on his own but he was wedged between Syryn and Magnus. In silence, the group headed deeper into the forest.

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