Reincarnated as the Villainess's attendant

Chapter 473 155 - Perserios territory - part 4 - Countering the plan that was thirty years in the making (part 5)

Chapter 473 155 - Perserios territory - part 4 - Countering the plan that was thirty years in the making (part 5)

  "Alright... what do you mean that the spell broke from under your control? Like, did you overcharge it with mana and it gained another effect, or...?"

  "...if you don\'t mind..."

  Using the chance of Zoemi thinking his answer through, Miriette slid beside him on the bed and laid down comfortably, stealthily – but not so stealthily – grabbing onto the back of his shirt.

  She was blushing the whole time but her full helmet was protecting her identity and reputation – although there was no reason for either, at least not amongst the members present.

  "That\'s the thing – I thought that I had full control, I had a perfect grasp on mana that I was going to spend and all..."

  Zoemi glanced back at the helmet-wearing girl and smiled softly, before facing Burushi with a serious expression.

  "But the moment I thought – just thought – about the possibility of time attribute spell being used to reverse time and bring back the people that died, all hell broke loose!"

  The black-haired boy complained, furrowing his brows.

  The two corpse puppet sentinels sitting on the floor beside the bed were innocently tilting their heads looking up at their creator, while Burushi\'s frowned and glanced over at the third puppet to check whether at least he found the explanation as weird as she did.

  The brown-haired corpse puppet shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, hurriedly turning away to break eye contact, causing the blond girl to raise her brow in confusion at his behavior.

  Considering that the corpse puppet in question was inhabited by the unique shadow of Xeonith, the young man\'s behavior was understandable.

  Burushi was a nice person, but being tortured and threatened the way she did, simply had to cause some animosity towards the perpetrator – even if he was acting under the influence of a powerful hex – and Xeonith knew that.

  "You... do have that odd attribute that you perfectly copy the spells and you can switch your mana attribute to whichever one you want, right?"

  Burushi shrugged off the odd behavior of the brown-haired corpse puppet of unknown to her identity and waved her hand at the black-haired boy.

  "Sounds like a natural con to balance all the pros of your power. You just have to make sure that your concentration will not be broken and it should be fine."

  She added, following her statement with a satisfied nod.

  "Yeah, no. Here\'s the problem – it is not how my magic works... or at least it\'s not how it worked before..."

  Zoemi\'s expression turned bitter and he shook his head at the blond-haired girl\'s statement, getting back the attention of everyone in the room.

  "Before, it was never easy to change the attribute of my mana. I really needed to be as concentrated as possible. I dare say I became proficient in switching attributes to mix and blend the spells and add different properties to them, but I still had to focus pretty hard to make mana follow my will. A spell-changing attribute just because I thought – hey it would be nice to be able to use time spell to bring them all back – should be impossible, as I had a crystal-clear vision on the construct of the sentinel creation spell."

  "That\'s right!"

  "Yes! We were fully connected with master – he was using the shadow attribute mana to create sentinels who could teleport and attack from a safe range to not get melted by the acid magician!"

  The black-haired boy explained, biting his lips in concern while staring at his own hands – and he was immediately supported by the second and first corpse puppet sentinels, confirming his words with unwavering, cheerful confidece.

  "Is that so...?"

  Burushi\'s eyes narrowed as she stared into the distance while leaning back in the chair she was sitting on.

  "...this might be just a one-time deal or a sign of the condition of your mana reservoir getting worse..."

  The healing attribute magician crossed her arms and tilted her head before murmuring the answer she did not want to be true.

  Still, she had to say it as it was the most plausible one they had.


  Zoemi felt Miriette\'s hand trembling at Burushi\'s words.

  He glanced over at her and smiled reassuringly, although he was the one who should be the most worried.

  "True. That might be the case. After all, apparently, mana is poisoning my body and slowly killing me so I should be not using it excessively, so please, forgive me for not immdiately testing it."

  Zoemi looked back at the blond girl and said without changing the expression he showed Miriette.


  "WHAT?! Where did you even get that diagnosis...?!"

  Miriette and Burushi flinched and jumped up at the same time, the helmet-wearing girl clung to the black-haired boy while Burushi approached him with a strict expression on a pale face.

  "It was revealed to within a dream."


  Zoemi shrugged his shoulders and declared with a straight face, causing Burushi to freeze on the spot blinking repeatedly.

  "It was..."

  "I heard you the first time. I am just trying to process how stupid you are for scaring us all like that in this situation. Asshole."

  The black-haired boy was about to repeat himself, but the blond-haired girl waved her hand in anger and scoffed, glaring at him for trying to make a fool of her.

  "Yeah... the only problem is I am not joking around. I had a talk with the original personality of my soul and that is what he told me. Apparently, I was never meant to use magic."

  Zoemi raised his hand and waved it the tiniest bit while speaking in a calm voice.

  "...oh come on...!"

  Burushi looked at him with a pained expression and rolled her eyes before looking over his shoulder, straight at Miriette\'s helmet.

  "I cannot heal mental problems, alright? I am not even remotely qualified for handling a situation like this..."



  The blond girl complained in a tired voice – but she flinched when the unamused Zoemi snapped his fingers and moved into her line of sight, actually annoyed for once.

  "Burushi. We live in a world of magic. Just a reminder."

  "You can\'t excuse everything by saying that it\'s because we got to live in the world where magic is real."

  Zoemi pointed out but was refuted by the unamused Burushi.

  "I believe him."



  As the two reincarnated humans were having a battle of glares, Miriette ended up leaning against Zoemi\'s back and rested her armored chin on the boy\'s shoulder before declaring in confidence, surprising the other two.

  "Miri...! This isn\'t about believing him or not, the problem here is that he himself BELIEVES that he is saying the truth and..."

  "Then please, check his condition with your spell. Would that be alright, Zoemi?"

  The blond-haired girl sighed and complained, massaging her forehead in annoyance, but then the helmet-wearing girl simply asked, before glancing at the black-haired boy.

  "I mean... umm... okay...?"

  Zoemi furrowed his brows – besides the pain in his abdomen, he didn\'t feel any changes in his health, so he didn\'t see how getting tested would support his words, but he agreed regardless.

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