My OP Minion System in the Apocalypse

Chapter 219 Minions To War

Chloe\'s face lit up with excitement as she looked at me, her eyes sparkling with wonder. I was feeling a sense of determination and determination within me, and she could clearly see that I was ready to take on the world. She had never seen me so determined before, and so she eagerly asked, "Are you planning to attack other kingdoms?"

I responded confidently, "Yes, I am going to attack the other nations. I am not just going to attack them; I will conquer them completely."

Chloe seemed thrilled by my sudden change in demeanour, and she asked, "What happened all of a sudden? I am so excited to hear about your plans!"

I explained, "I met Raymond today, and he asked if we wanted to join their alliance. But I disagreed, and now I want to show them that we are a force to be reckoned with."

Chloe exclaimed, "Oh, I see! That\'s so exciting! What are you thinking about doing?"

We entered the house and we continued to talk. I sat down on my bed, and Chloe sat next to me, her eyes shining with excitement. I felt a sense of energy and determination as I spoke, saying,

"I am thinking about sending scouts out there to learn more about the kingdoms in this world. Once I know about them and their strength, only then will I be able to conquer them. Now king Gandalf knows about my strength, but we know only the things Raymond has told us. We need to find out more about him before we can act upon it."

Chloe asked eagerly, "If he attacks before we can find anything more about him, what will we do then?"

I smirked and said, "He isn\'t going to attack alone. He will be looking for help, and until he is able to find help, he won\'t attack. He might have a big army, but he is no match for us. We will have a strategy by then, and our city\'s construction will also be completed."

Chloe nodded, seeming to understand my words. She stood up from the bed and told me that she was going to take a rest now, but she couldn\'t contain her excitement. It was quite dark at that moment, but she didn\'t seem to notice. She went to her house, practically bouncing with enthusiasm, while I lay down on my bed, strategizing about the victories that lay ahead.

I didn\'t say anything to Chloe about my worries. I didn\'t want to dampen her excitement, but I was deeply determined to succeed. I had put a lot of effort into building this city and had sent a large number of soldiers to the outposts. If I were attacked, it could be a major challenge, but I was confident that we were more than capable of overcoming it. I was eager to recruit more soldiers and prepare for the battles that lay ahead.

I fell asleep with a sense of determination and excitement, ready to conquer the world. The next day, I woke up early in the morning, feeling rested and ready to tackle the day ahead.

I slept while thinking about future possibilities. The next day, I woke up early in the morning. I rested on my bed even after waking up. I wasn\'t able to sleep well that last night. The thoughts in my mind haven\'t allowed me to sleep properly last night. I didn\'t want to get up today from the bed, I wanted to sleep for a little longer, but I had to get up. I have a whole kingdom on my back. I cannot be lazy and lay in bed without thinking about my Kingdom.

I got up, put on my armor, and came out of my house. I called the minion manager and told him to prepare breakfast for me. Yesterday, I forgot to eat breakfast and lunch, but today I didn\'t want to skip my meals. The manager went to get food for me and I headed towards Chloe\'s house. I knocked on the door and told her to wake up. I returned and she came after some time. She was also looking tired, and when I asked her, she told me the same thing.

She told me that she was thinking about the problems that were coming our way and she wasn\'t able to sleep properly because of her thoughts. After some time, minions came with our breakfast. I had my breakfast with Chloe and went to the barracks site to check on the minions. I wanted to send some spies out on the field, so I was thinking about selecting some minions.

After discussing my plans with Chloe, I knew that I needed to gather more information about the other kingdoms in order to successfully conquer them. I needed to send scouts out to gather intel and learn more about the strengths and weaknesses of these nations. I knew that this would be a crucial step in my plan, as it would give me the knowledge and understanding I needed to make informed decisions and come up with a solid strategy.

I also knew that I needed to strengthen my own kingdom in order to be prepared for any potential attacks. I had already sent a large number of soldiers to the outposts and had been working on building up the defenses of my city. But I knew that I needed to do more, and so I decided to recruit more soldiers and continue to work on the construction of my city.

As I thought about these things, I couldn\'t help but feel a sense of determination and excitement. I was ready to take on the world and show everyone that I was a force to be reckoned with. And even though I had my doubts and worries, I knew that with hard work and determination, I could overcome any challenge that came my way.

A/N: I\'ve been really busy with exams and stuff recently, so the next few chapters may be a little late. Sorry in advance.

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